Kaila doesn't even notice his own growling until the nightmare he's talking to flinches away when he reaches out to hand her back the bundle of food she'd given him to eat. He'd wanted to politely refuse but as she flinches away he realizes the reason behind his lack of appetite. He's upset, very upset. For some reason, some part of him is on edge and he can't get it to calm down. Carefully Tiski slips in and takes the bundle from him, handing it to the girl and turning to her squad leader. She views him with a concerned critical eyes and he shockingly drops his normally strong steady gaze to his feet. This redoubles her worry and she slips in close, pulling his face up so she can look at it. She finches as he snaps his teeth at her but a moment later a flicker of shame runs across his features and he shakes his head, pulling her hands away. She knows better than to try again. Instead, she simply stands there, waiting silently for him to speak up if he's willing. After a long moment - the hustle and bustle of the camp around them seeming to fade away slightly as the nearby nightmares and minions move off carefully to give them room and still get their work done – Kaila speaks up, his voice steady and sure. “I'm going tot he human realm to try and get in contact with someone from the dream realm.” She blinks at this statement but remains silent. This is just how it works among the people in charge of the Nightmare Realm. Boss says, underlings do not question. With a half sigh he goes on. “I've been irritated for over an hour now, and I can't help but feel it has something to do with Master Seishu. When he took me as his second he told me that we shared something, a bond, and I've always felt that maybe, perhaps, I never actually received that bond. That it'd never taken, and I simply pretended it did. But now, I can just. . . .Even when Master Seishu was stabbed, I was convinced that I [b]knew[/b] he was alive on faith, nothing more, but now. . . This feeling. . . .” His eyes follow Tiski's hand as it comes up to settle on his shoulder. His eyes trail all the way up and end on hers, taking in her worried smile. In a very soft voice, knowing it's not he place but feeling like doing it anyways, she murmurs, “Go.” The gravity of this unprecedented even – an underling giving a clear and direct order to their boss – is overshadowed greatly by the gravity of what Kaila's feeling. So instead of a reprimand he gives her a light, grateful scowl and nods. Turning on his heel he taps her hand, leaving her in charge and without a word heads out of the camp. To make a portal to the human realm. ~*~*~*~*~ [i]He can feel it, something painful on his cheek, but, so tasty! His fangs flash and soon that sweet flavor is on his lips, burning likely at the positive content of the tasty stuff. He hisses, but swallows what he can, feeling somehow better after the taste. Now there's something soft beneath him, something cool, but the smell, that smell! He nuzzle in close to the smell, the feeling of it all, the comfort. It all makes him feels calmer, better, despite the pain still wreaking havoc on his insides. His skin no longer burns, all the pain is no longer pressing down on him from all sides. No, the residual energy around him, it's gentle, and warm, and he loves it. The pain touches him again, his hand this time, and he flashes his fangs at the touch but doesn't pull away. Something about it's familiar. Something about him comforts him, despite th hurt, and after a short while and a small prick of pain he feels his body relaxing. Yes, this feels much better. He can think again, feel something besides pain again. . .[/i] Inui's eyes open slowly and he lets out a soft whine and he look blearily around the room. Lord Enasi is there, Rasha is there somewhere around his feet, and Doc Crios is. . . .[i]'Is that a needle? I don't like needles. . .'[/i] His eyes close again, staying that way as others move around him. He can hear them talking, but the words do not make sense at first. Then he hears something. . .Something about an apology to him. Without thinking he murmurs softly, “That's okay Mister Enasi. . .” His voice is a cute imitation of Rue, tempered by his pain and now slightly stoned state. Rasha lets out a happy wriggle, a mewling coming from his throat as Inui makes it obvious he's likely not permanently damaged. ~*~*~*~*~ Barely a hundred paces past the outer guard perimeter Kaila stops, sighing. Hanging his head he shakes it and calls softly, “You can't come.” From behind a tree Jentou appears, looking rather pouty, but firm. “Master Seishu set you as my anchor. I can't leave you. And. . .And. . . .You are upset my brother, what's wrong?” His voice is firm but soft, the last part sounding very much like a loving older brother worried about his younger sibling. Even as twins, Jentou took his role very seriously since they were tots. Swooping in he pulls his brother into a warm, smothering hug, burying his face in the crook of Kaila's neck and nuzzling cutely. He will not be denied. After several seconds of this the violet haired mail lets out a long sigh. He knows his brother is right. Unless ordered by Master Seishu, Jentou is to stay by his brother's side. Returning the embrace with a pat on the back Kaila presses his face into the same spot on Jentou's neck just long enough to whisper what's going on. The white clad figure bristles openly, his eyes flashing brightly at the thought of anything befalling Master Seishu. The pain it would cause his dearest brother unbearable to even think about. Without a word he takes hold of Kaila's hand, kisses the back, then motions for him to lead the way. With a sharp nod Kaila complies, taking them deep, deep into the woods before opening a portal. They do [b]not[/b] need any scouts catching on to them now. The swirling mass around them dies quickly and they end up on the streets of a large city. Kaila's logic: more people, more dream minions, more chances to try and talk to one of them, better chance of one actually willing to bring a message back to his counterpart. The grip on his hand tightens and the dark clad male looks to his pale robed brother. Jentou smiles, nuzzling close to Kaila reassuringly and with another sigh Kaila accepts the affection and begins the search. ~*~*~*~*~ Once the others are out of sight Harper takes a moment to lament quietly to himself. Flynn and Starla speak quietly to one another, the plants around them that had begin to wither at Enasi's hurt perking up ever so slightly as the siblings recover bit by bit. The rabbit man however moves several paces away, leaning against the building with his head down, his face obscured by his large drooping ears. His first real test as a second and he's failing miserably. [i]'I've [b]got[/b] to start pulling it together before they lose faith in my altogether. It's just not going to work like this. Me waffling about, running to Lord Enasi over every little thing. . . .Forgetting such important things. Lord Enasi has an excuse he's wounded and in love with Night, and it's not the other ones' job to track these things, it's mine. . .'[/i] Sighing he watches as the fox and the fairy return through the gap between his ears, his lamenting creating dark invisible waves around him that make the doctor scowl but ignore him for now. Rue flutters about worriedly, but with a set expression on his face. He will not let Lord Enasi down, even though he knows doing so will require him to beg for Mister Seishu's forgiveness later. He doesn't want to leave his lord's side but given what's happening he's pretty sure he'll get away with little more than some glaring and light swats. When at last he's done with the instructions for Flynn Crios rounds on the shadow ridden rabbit and snaps, “Oi! You! Come here!” Quite different here in the Dream Realm, the fact that his underling just gave him an order doesn't phase Harper in the slightest, but the fact that he's being snapped at, does. He twitches, pushing off the wall slowly and walking over with heavy even steps. Without warning, once Harper is in range, Crios pulls out a very bright needle and plunges it directly into the unhappy bunny's chest, depressing the plunger in an instant. Though technically Harper is faster, and could have stopped him, the suddenness of it throws Harper off and he barely has time to cry out in shock before he feels a burning heat radiating out from the injection point. Flynn and Starla lay hands on Crios, for a moment worried he's gone mad, but Rue buzzes them back with his wings, trusting that Crios is doing the right thing. The sibling and Rue glare at one another, Crios ignoring them and keeping an eye on the now curled up beastman and he hugs his chest, his full body tucked in so tight he is actually settled between his own legs, his feet still firmly planted on the ground. After a few seconds of this however Harper's ears snap straight up and he barks, “Stop fighting!” Rue and the plant siblings immediately back away from one another, the fighters snapping to attention and Rue landing, his wings stilling and folding in tight. All eyes are on Harper as slowly he unfurls. When at least he's standing up straight they all look to his eyes, glowing gently, and Crios nods. “I had a feeling.” Taking out a smaller needle, still shining bright like the one he gave Harper, he administers a full sized dose to Flynn and Starla, and a very small dose to Rue. When he turns back the the Dream Realm's second he sees the demand for explanation in Harper's eyes and bows slightly. “We've all been around Night for so long that we were all tainted. Lord Enasi kept it in check, but like with the flowers in the garden, the transition from pure positive to what our lord gives off now has been throwing those closest to the two of them out of whack.” Motioning towards Rue he goes on. “Rue here has adapted the most readily. I noticed when he was able to walk right through the cloud surrounding Inui, even though it made him obviously unwell. So, when we went to fetch the stuff for Night I had an idea.” He pulls a third syringe from inside his coat. It's glowing with the identical bright blue-white liquid. “After extracting a bit of blood from Rue I mixed it carefully with some of the positive energy shots we normally carry and they turned this color.” He hands one to Harper who looks closely at it, for the first time noticing the black smoke like wisp flitting through the liquid the size of a thread of spider silk. He looks back up as Crios goes on. “After what happened with Inui I felt it myself, a despair that was honest, but out of place. We should have begun recovering within minutes but the feelings persisted. So, I thought, much like needing to coax the flowers to accept the new energy, we ourselves need to be adapted. So took a bit more blood and made these syringes.” He bows again. “Forgive me for the suddenness, but in your state, and being a dream, I did not see you agreeing without a very long, drawn out argument, and we do not have time. I needed you in your right mind quickly, and again, because you were a dream, you needed more than the others, and a rather radical location.” Standing back up he looks to Harper, waiting for his verdict. For his part the general takes in every word, mulling them over and looking for holes or lies, even as he endeavors to believe the doctor. His mind is sharp, his depression for mere minutes ago is completely gone, and he feels like himself again. . . .But a little different. He can feel it, the small change, the little difference. He feels stronger than he has in days, and Crios' explanation makes sense as the source. Even with the touches of dark, of negative, now flowing through his veins he can feel the thrum of confidence and power he has when preparing for battle. It's how he [b]should[/b] be feeling right now. Not sorry for himself, not like he's a failure. He should be revved up and rarin' to fetch Seishu back so both of their realms can recover and return balance to all three realms. Before he has the chance to respond a minion comes racing out of the palace and stops just short of the group. Leaving Crios' judgment for now Harper approaches the minion and bids her speak. The small angelic looking minion, pale as a ghost from fright, bites her lips and is shaking slightly. When Harper draws close the bows, hugging her own chest and rubbing her arms like she's cold. Looking up into the general's eyes she speaks softly. “I was, I was in a dream, about some large insects, and then they got all scary, and I, there was this Nightmare Minion, and, and another standing back a ways, and they, they said they were peaceful and just wanted to, to leave a message for “Harper”.” She shivers again. “They, they used your name, so I thought, maybe they, don't know. . . .” Gently Rue slides up next to the minion and gives her a warm snuggly hug, the act seeming to calm her down enough to at least Swallow hard and get out the rest of her story. “I thought that maybe they were somehow not all that bad, or rebels or something, so I stayed and got the message.” Sniffing she takes a steadying breath before being finally able to deliver the message. “He said, “Something is wrong with my master, I can feel it.” Then, then they left, and I came here as fast as I could. . .” The last part grows steadily quieter as she realizes there's really no need to tell them about her running away like a frightened child into the comforting arms of her home realm. Harper's brows knit together, recalling for the first time in a long time that only the palace staff know the details of Seishu's whereabouts. With a soft sigh he thanks her and after getting her to tell him where on earth she'd been dismisses her, scowling at his own incompetence. As she races off, likely to her home for some cuddles, Harper turns to the foxy doctor and delivers his judgment. “I do not begrudge you your actions, but I am also not pleased that you acted without a regard to the fact that the injection you gave me could have kept me from going on this rescue mission.” Crios hangs his head, accepting the rebuke silently. He looks up however as Harper goes on. “We will be heading to that city to meet up with the minions. I'm guessing it's Kaila.” Rue can't help but speaking up out of curiosity. “How do you know? I mean, why do you say that? It could be Ran or Lan, right? It said there was two after all. . . .” He shies away as Harper looks at him with an intense gaze he is still having trouble controlling at the moment. The injection has him on high alert and raring to go. “To put it simply.” the general replies firmly, “When Enasi was hurt in the nightmare realm, somehow I knew it. I. . . .Felt it. I think the phrasing suggest that it was Seishu's second that was speaking, and the fact that I was asked for, not you.” Rue cocks his head at this. Harper explains. “The others know you better, like you better, or would have asked for Lord Enasi, go right to the top. I feel that. . . Asking for me is a kind of respectful courtesy. . .” He shakes his head a little, trying to find the right words. Then at last he says softly, “I would have done the same thing.” Rue nod sin understanding, clasping his hands behind his back to wait for Harper to finish what he was saying before. With a nod Harper goes on, once more addressing Crios directly. His tone becomes quieter, but more intense. Crios' eyes go a little wide at the sudden change and his ears twist forward so he can listen closely. “What she was saying before, about “rebels or something”. The way she seemed so unsure, so off about her whole understanding of it all, it occurred to me that the only ones around here with the power, knowledge, and overall drive to kidnap Night are. . .” He falters a bit, not wanting to accuse anyone, but his resolve returns a moment later and he concludes, “Are those that spend most of their time here in the palace.” The others in the group look struck dumb by the thought, Starla going so far as to smack herself in the head. She can't believe that they didn't make the connection sooner. “That makes so much sense!” she exclaims, shaking her head. “The only ones who would know when it was safe to take him would have to have followed him inside without being spotted, and would have to know that they would be clear to portal out of here without being seen, despite it being all out in the open and such! Gah! Were' idiots!” Harper shakes his head. “No, we're dream denizens. It's natural for us to to avoid blaming one another for things and thinking badly of one another.” His words are soft and make the group feel a little better. Rue however is still kicking himself. He's seen an attack from the palace staff on Seishu first hand. He should have figured it out immediately. His attention returns to Harper however as he finally delivers his parting orders. “Crios, I want you to take up residence in Lord Enasi's room. You'll be the only one who can keep him there should he come to the same conclusion and try to find the remaining culprits – if there are any still here – on his own.” Crios swallows. “You want me to not tell him of this theory?” He support the idea, even after Enasi proved he can act rationally, but he needs to know for sure what the rabbit man is asking. Harper nods. “Yes. Keep him in that bed. Keep him resting. The realm needs him, and he has a blind spot when it comes to that damnable Nightmare Guardian.” Crios nods in return, sighing gently. His eyes remain on Harper however as he adds on to his instructions. “I want Rasha scouring the palace, top to bottom. No asking questions, no engaging anyone. Just spying and observation. As a dream he should be able to learn to sense the negative energies that come for such deviousness, and after you give him a shot of that stuff it'll be even more clear to him who's guilty.” He looks a little pained at his next words, but he plows on softly. “Inui too. When he's better. He's a nightmare minion. Negative is his life. He should be able to sense his native energy. But, not til he's well.” Handing back the syringe from before Harper pulls himself up to his full height, looking at the three who will be joining him with cool sharp eyes. All three come to the ready and with a nod Harper opens a portal to the city his counterpart is waiting for them in and as if on cue the four leap through, vanishing from their home and into the world that holds their once sworn enemy prisoner.