[quote=HenryJonesJr] So I feel like the story so far is a bit...bare-bone. Who's in the Avengers? Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man, and Thor? Did they only fight Sentry?I just want to make sure before finishing my CS. [/quote] I personally see this as an opportunity to make what Nu52 should have been, only in the marvel universe. Reboot it, say that this is at the birth of the Superhero age. I was personally thinking of playing Venom as sort of a "Overly attached Girlfriend" It latches to Peter and tries desperately to please his every desire, pumping him full of power, power that he can't control, the symbiote doing horrible things in an attempt to please Peter, because deep down inside, he wants to do these things... Then, when he rejects its love, it goes absolutely fucking mental. That's when Venom is born... Venom then spends a lot of the series, latching onto other people and pumping them full of power, and the yearn to kill Spider-Man. The classic "I DON'T NEED YOU ANYMORE!!!" deal Essentially, my Venom is going to be the ex-girlfriend from the 10th level of hell.