[b][center]EVROPA: DAWN OF THE MIDDLE AGE[/center][/b] It is the year of our lord 893, and a new age is about to dawn on mankind. Long gone are the days when the light of Rome shone as a beacon on Europa, now smothered by the darkness of endless civil wars and the Barbarian Invasions. Today, mankind stands divided: the remains of great empires struggle to regain their ancient glory, religious wars set entire kingdoms ablaze, and the great eastern steppes thunder with the sound of thousands of hooves, brought by the endless hordes of the east. Still, there are rumors that an even greater menace is about to appear... [hr] [i]What is Europa: Dawn of the Middle Age?[/i] E: DotMA is an RP campaign set in an alternate history version of medieval Europe, more precisely in the Low Middle Ages: the starting place will be the city of Toletum, in Spain. The players will enjoy almost unlimited freedom in regards to the plot, while a larger overarching story will go on in the background. Fantasy elements will be present, but only in the second part of the campaign, and realism will be a must (read: no animu-style heroes with fuckhueg swords and nipple armor). [i]Ok, what kind of character can I play as?[/i] The world of Europa is immense, and inhabited by dozens of different peoples and cultures. Thus, I will post here only eight of them, the ones inhabiting Spain. This doesn't mean you won't be able to play as a character coming from any other culture: simply ask, and you shall be granted all the information you need to play as an Italian knight, or a Viking raider, or a Polish hussar. [list] [*] [b]The Arabs:[/b] the Arabs have been the last people to come to Hispania en masse, arriving in the latter half of the seventh century and conquering all the region known as Andalusia, in the south, from the bickering Gothic kings. The Arabic city of Qurtubah quickly became the greatest of all Spain, and the capital of the Omayyad caliphate. Arabic society is notably more advanced than that of the Romano-Germanic peoples (such as the Goths), and culture, science and philosophy blossom in their realms: however, they are often torn by religious strife between the different branches of Islam. Among the Spanish Arabs, the most popular Muslim current is [url=http://www.terrachronica.com/worlds/715/records/4751]'Ilm Islam[/url]. [*] [b]The Basques:[/b] perhaps the most ancient inhabitants of Hispania, the Basques live in the region known as Cantabria, in the northeast. Speaking a completely incomprehenisble (at least for foreigners) language, they resisted Celtic, Roman and Gothic invasions, and today they live as a loose federation of villages united under an elective king. The Basques have earned a fearsome reputation as bandits and pirates in the Pyrenees and the Gulf of Biscay, and despite having converted to Arianism, they still worship the old gods of their tradition, such as [url=http://www.terrachronica.com/worlds/715/records/4775]Mari[/url], having syncretized them with the Christian religion. [*] [b]The Celts:[/b] once inhabiting all of Hispania, the Celts have been assimilated by Roman society, with one exception: the ancient and fierce kingdom of Lusitania, which never bowed down to the Romans. Here, the old ways of the ancient Celts are still alive and well, and druids offer sacrifices to their highest god, [url=http://www.terrachronica.com/worlds/715/records/4772]Endovelicus[/url]. Despite their existance has been constantly threatened by Goths and Arabs alike, the Celts always managed to survive, and their oathsworn warriors, charging fearlessly into battle wearing only a torque, are feared even by the bravest Gothic knights. [/list] More in next post!