"Fire." [color=DarkGray][i]"Bad."[/i][/color] Eri's eyes flickered between the lighter and Tony. "I like your shiny toy." She shoot quick smile at is direction before giving her best to pay attention to the rest of the group. Fire was bad, every vampire in the city knew that. But lighters... Lighters were a completely another thing, especially if they were shiny. It seemed like Margarita decided to make herself a leader of their merry band and even thought that probably meant she was closer to the Prince than Erinion ever wished to be, she didn't complain. The sooner they get whatever was asked of them done, the sooner she can go back to her toys and paintings. Catching the briefest of Alex' glances, she felt something was off with him. [color=DarkGray][i]"..."[/i][/color] Putting that though to be played later with, Erinion let her eyes slide over the rest of her new companions. If she got the plan right, they were to live together for a while. The idea was rather repulsive at first, why in the world would she condemn herself to closed space with a bunch of weirdos? [color=DarkGray][i]"The Prince gets what the Prince wants, remember?"[/i][/color] "I could go with a bite." Eri shrugged. After all, who says no to free food? "And don't worry, children of the night. There's nothing else making noise out there." A quick shadow flew over her face as she unconsciously replied to an unasked question. "Father's not with us any more. Unless when he is." Tapping her temple a few times, a wry smile framed Erinion's face. Presuming Dawn would like nothing more than to drive off to the dusk with Margarita, Erinion scooped over to the ass-kicker. [color=DarkGray][i]"Good plan, lovely."[/i][/color] If they did get into trouble before they got to wherever they were going, it would be nice to have someone like that by her side. [center]~[/center] Everything seemed to unravel in the next few minutes. "Finally." Eri muttered as she quietly squeezed into the back of Alex' car. It seemed like the chitchat was flowing between the two vampires on the front seats so she just leaned back and quietly stared through the window.