[list] [*] [b]The Suevians:[/b] native to the deep forests of Germania Magna, the Suevians arrived in Spain, together with Goths, during the Barbarian Invasions: differently from them, however, they never converted to Christianity, and kept steadfast to [url=http://www.terrachronica.com/worlds/715/records/4442]their old gods[/url]. Inhabiting the dense woods and hills of northwestern Hispania, the Suevians are an indomitable people, often raiding the Gothic kingdoms of the east: their warriors throw themselves into the fray without fear, knowing that Valhall awaits them. [*] [b]The Vandals:[/b] yet another people who came to Hispania during the Barbarian Invasions, settling the southernmost part of Andalusia, near the Pillars of Heracles, and creating the kingdom of Tingis, ruled by the Wisimaring dynasty. When the Arabs conquered the region, they were quick to convert to Islam, and were allowed to exist as a vassal kingdoms: since then, the Spanish Vandals introduced many Arabic elements into their society, without forgetting their Germanic roots. Their warriors are something between housecarls and mujahideen, ready to give their life for their lord and for Allah. [/list]