Heskell Resquin 22 year old werebat Skills - Sneaking - Expert Running - Expert Linguist - Expert Singing - Expert Shortsword - Good Shortbow - Good Abilities & Weaknesses - Rapid Healing Vulnerability to Silver (Heals normally to wounds done by silver and has additional pain factor) Nocturnal Exceptional Hearing Nightvision (All other abilities are only in bat form) Echo Location Flight Poisonous Bite (Paralytic and causes Lycanthropy in the victim of the werebat strain) Personality - Normally quiet, reserved, kind, and sensitive... especially to light as his condition requires. Very tactile... likes to touch things. But is prone to periods of depression and guilt when he's confronted with the real horror of his condition. As a bat he loves ambushes and sneak attacks. He is methodical in hunting preferences. Bio - Heskel was the only child of a single mom. He's known poverty his whole life. His favorite thing to do with his mother was to sing together while they worked. Heskel loved to run it was his favorite activity as a child. As he got older he had an opportunity to deliver a military message, when a messenger was thrown from his horse.. Apparently the message was timely enough that he was tipped well and hired by the military. He became a drummer boy for the marching troops and eventually advanced to a messenger when it was discovered he had a knack for picking up new languages and then his training to become a scout began. His speed and eagerness to please made him a favorite of his commanding officers. He would always send all his money home to his mother. One night he was delivering a message when he was attacked by something big an hairy which bit him... paralyzing him... if it weren't for a patrol to come across his location he might have died to the creature that attacked him. His body convulsed and was racked with pain as 'changes' happened in his body. He noticed his hearing improve dramatically and when he heard the alchemist confirm the diagnosis of lycanthropy and that the boy would have to be 'put down'. He fled for his life. He managed to escape and found a small community to grow up in. He carried on work as a courier. After a few full moon incidents. He realized that he was a monster. He tried many things to try to stop himself from being evil. But nothing seemed to help. He was close to suicide when he found a pair of silver manacles on a peddlar's cart. Buying them, he found he could properly restrain himself on nights of the full moon. The more he did the more he and his 'inner bat' merged. He seemed to retain more of its abilities during the day but also more of its quirkiness. Finally he found a way he could live and be content with himself. Still... at the end of the day... he had murdered people while unconscious in bat form. He knew this... and in a way he still hates himself for it. When the vampires took him, he felt that he was finally getting a measure of justice that was owed to him. Until... he met Vilotta. For Bats & Butterflies with my dearest [@GoddessSophia] In human form [img]http://photos.modelmayhem.com/photos/100704/20/4c31552ba4a27.jpg[/img] In bat form [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/202/5/d/skyrim_mod_project__creatues__bat_monster_by_daz18-d5842s1.jpg[/img]