Hello Friends, Jasonhero here! I'm looking for a Female RP partner for an idea I've kinda been wanting for a while. But before we get to that, let me tell you a bit about me and what I expect and all that noise! About Me: I am an 18 year old Male, and I prefer to rp Males around my age (sorry I suck at rping girls). I rp mostly in PM, but I can do thread if you're willing. I write about a Paragraph or Two on average, though don't be surprised if you receive longer. It really depends on what you give me. I'm friendly, and I expect you to be as well. Also, please spell correctly and use proper grammar. On this note, as you can see this is an SAO rp, I just started watching and most recent episode was the ending of the Original SAO incident. (Defeat of Heathcliff and stuff). I hope that the person joining has at least reached this point in the Anime/is past it My Expectations: 1. At least 1 post a day (if you're gonna be unable to post a bit. Let me know ^^) 2. At least a Paragraph of spelling and good grammar (basically if it's not text speech and is understandable, I'm good) if you wanna write more, go ahead! :) 3. You can handle Mature themes. Ex: Sex, Cursing (not too frequent please), and some gore (again not too much) 4. Friendly 5. Willing to tell me if you have any ideas to throw in I'm open to new ideas! 6. You have fun. That's important. 7. Romance in rp 8. You actually read these. Now for what you're all here for, the basic idea of what I'm interested in! [b][u]Plot:[/u][/b] Ryuu has been anticipating the release of SAO for almost a year now, he pre-ordered the game the very day that it was announced, and got the Pre-order bonus to custom make his sword. It will level up with him and be a force to be reckoned with as its damage is relevant to his level. He can't wait until he finally gets to hop in, and today is the day he does. Finally the time of the server launch arrives, and he places the Nervegear over his head... if only he knew what was to come. *Disclaimer* This is AU, Kirito and Asuna DO NOT EXIST, and instead our characters will be the leaders. Your character was not mentioned due to me not knowing how you want to play her (strangers who meet in the game, or already friends irl). PM me if you're interested! [b][u]NOTE:[/u][/b] If you know some people who are interested in this and want to do a small group rp, I'm also open to letting this be a small group rp of around 4 people (2 guys 2 girls or whatever so relationships are evenly balanced. If you wanna have homo relationships just do it, I just don't want anybody to feel left out ya know)