[hider=Sveiand, The Cold One] Name: Sveiand Alias: The Cold One, The Pure, Renvontulet, Death Frost Gender: Male Domains/Portfolios: Seasons - Winter Domains/Portfolio Description: The domain of seasons is an expansive domain incorporating both nature and social constructs. It will take many natural seasons for Svei to master his entire domain. In contrast to previous pantheons before him whereby seasonal deities were worshipped for bringing spring, fertility and the harvest, Svei's personality led to him developing abilities embodying the harshest season. Svei therefore has the ability to control the ambient temperature within his area of affect and hopes that his powers will develop beyond bringing death to the world. Alignment: Neutral Personality: Sveiand is a god who seeks to find his own happiness. He knows this may be a challenge given possible pre-conceptions of his abilities but he is determined to make a name for himself whether this be for better or worse. He may come across as harsh and cold (no pun intended!) but he is just brutally honest and will say it how it is. He's more than happy to work with other deities but will always be looking out for number one. Appearance: He has many forms for many an occasion as any respectable deity should in his opinion. These will change as his portfolio expands and the RP progresses. Appearance before of other deities and humanoids for civilized purposes: [url=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/258/8/d/ice_mage_by_peggy77-d5etrx2.jpg]The Pure[/url] When travelling in the wilderness: [url=http://the-many-names-of-god.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Nanook-inuit-god-polar-bear.png]The Cold One[/url] When communicating with believers to show approval or convey a message: [url=http://cupegraf.com/data_images/wallpapers/16/345136-aurora-borealis.jpg]Renvontulet[/url] When he's mad: [url=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3398/3474216443_4a2344eda0_m.jpg]Death Frost[/url] Musical Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8RS0eulXDo]Never Forget[/url] Description: Currently seen at the God of Ice. He yearns for companionship that few can provide in his realm of ice and snow and therefore lures many a male companion in the long winter months with the promise of shelter from the very situation he has caused. The designer of snowflakes, Svei dislikes disorder and chaos, preferring order and calm in the home that he can one day provide joy where he currently causes suffering. Given his treatment he is quite vengeful and shallow his attitude can turn quickly like a winter storm. Cold and closed he could be seen by many as a harbinger of death. But could he actually be the father of a great people thriving in cold climes? In time the Herald of Spring? Scorcher of soils? Reaper of the Harvest? Only history yet to be written can tell... [/hider]