[hider=Guardian of the Sea, The World-Drowner] [b]Name:[/b] Undasis ("undas" being the Latin word for "waves") [b]Alias:[/b] God of the Waves, Guardian of the Sea, The World-Drowner [b]Gender[/b]: At times Undasis is male, at times female, sometimes neither, and often both. Mostly, however, it is appropriate to refer to Undasis as a "he" [b]Domains/Portfolios[/b]: Domain: Water Portfolio: Oceans/The Sea [b]Domains/Portfolio Description:[/b] The domain of water is a tricky one to describe. It is both a loving and a cruel mistress; water is a giver of life to those who drink from it, growth to the plants it rains on, and certain death to those who fall between it's crushing waves. Likewise, the sea may bring peace to those who swim in it's luxurious shores and a full belly to those who gather fish from it, but to drink too much sea-water is to embrace death for most mortals. At times the sea will provide, and at times it may rise up in a vengeful, inescapable tsunami and crash itself against shores or cities. The sea is home to life too abundant and diverse to comprehend, but with this life comes danger. Sailors may bring home stories of monsters lurking in the depths; humongous, shadowy creatures stalking them for days before suddenly vanishing as they pulled towards the safety of the shore. --- As the God of Oceans, Undasis embraces both sides of the sea. He has power over it's strong waves and it's playful shores. Undasis knows it's cool, soothing touch and the painful, fatal suffocation to those who fall too deep beneath it, and both are in his sphere of power. Undasis desires to create sea-life as well. Beautiful and delicately painted fish or terrifying monsters who exist only to consume the bodies and souls those poor fools who unknowingly enter their domain. [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral [b]Personality:[/b] Despite the permanency of the ocean, Undasis seems to be a god inflicted with the most extremely fragile whim. But more on that later, firstly you must know that he craves one thing above all: wealth. Not wealth in the form of foolish and empty currency some mortals may create, but wealth of a very, very different sort. He desires wealth in the form of life - myriads of intricate sea creatures, all separate and unique but all coming together form the a massive, flourishing ecosystem. This is more a desire of the calmer side of Undasis (the calm side also being known as the "Woman of the Waters") He desires wealth in the form of power - for better or worse, Undasis craves power over all that there is. This is precisely why he loves water. He is eternally astonished with the irresistible force of waves and oceans. If he could, he would drown the whole world in oceans. He would force every walking creature to learn to swim or face destruction as waves pour onto the land from all sides, and without hesitation he would murder any god who attempts to oppose him in this. This is more a desire of the angrier side of Undasis (also called "The Kraken") Now, as for his always changing whims: like the ocean, you cannot easily predict on any day whether Undasis will be as subdued as calm waters, as playful as a gentle shore, or as ferocious as a tsunami. However, he is not random by any means; just as the ocean requires winds to stir up a storm, so Undasis requires an annoyance or an affront to anger him into a rage. When he is in a ferocious mood, he is normally called by mortals and gods alike "The Kraken" On the other hand, the more gentle side is known as "The Woman of the Waters" [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider="The Kraken", when angry] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/355/0/c/kraken_by_elmisa-d4ju669.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider="The Woman of the Waters", when calm] [img]http://anuyoullc.com/ESW/Images/Akiane-water-angel.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Musical theme[/b]: I know it's not the best song instrumentally, but in order to show the victim side of our Sea god, I choose a song showing his fear and anguish over the constant changes he must endure from Woman of the Water to Kraken: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohrqjP5JrjQ]Red - Fight Inside[/url] "All the pain, I want it to end But I want it again" "Enemy, familiar friend My beginning and my end" [b]Description:[/b] The ocean gives, the ocean takes away. So it is with Undasis. While he provides the world with food from fish and the gentle healing powers of water, he can also be extraordinarily selfish and greedy- afterall, among his greatest desires is the will to drown the whole world When in her calmer form ("The Woman of the Waters"), Undasis is loving and gentle. She will comfort you like a mother comforting her child, and will do anything to see a smile dance across your face. Undasis may also be playful in the extreme, or even childish. On the other, darker hand, the more aggressive side of Undasis ("The Kraken") is serious and destructive. He will drown you at the slightest offense, and loves nothing more than to see mortals gape in terror at the raw power of the ocean. Undasis will often seem schizophrenic. He/She may argue with himself, complain about the "other voice" in his head (most assume the other voice is The Kraken speaking when Undasis is in Water Woman form or the Water Woman speaking when he's in Kraken form), and/or behave erratically if aggravated. --- So, as you can see, there are really two separate version of Undasis: one loving and gentle, and one hateful and destructive. Which side you see depends on how you behave around him, his general mood that day, and a little bit of luck. [b]Miscellaneous[/b]: [hider=The Mer people and the Kamiv:] [i]The Mermen and Mermaids of the Seas:[/i] [img]http://coolspotters.com/files/photos/736139/mermaid-and-harry-potter-and-the-goblet-of-fire-gallery.jpg[/img] Mer were created by the Woman of the Waters not as servants or slaves, but simply as life for life's sake. Like the fish of the sea, she has placed no restrictions on Mer. They are, for all intents in purposes, free to live, love, and even worship by their own decision. This freedom they were given seems to have even seeped into their very souls: all Mer are naturally free-spirited and adventurous, and seek nothing more than to experience this world in it's fullness in the 40 or so years they may live. [i]The Great Kamiv:[/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/kc3ooCz.jpg[/img] Unlike the Mer, Kamiv are neither graceful nor gentle. Most would describe them as monstrous beasts, who seek only to destroy and serve the twisted Kraken. This is not true. Although they are certainly destructive in their nature, and they are certainly beastly in appearance, they have wills of their own. They can create, invent, and build- in fact, many undersea cities are built with the aid of Kamiv (although they rarely live in cities of their own). There is, however, one limitation: while undeniably sentient, they are far less intelligent than the Mer or humans or, well, anything really. They have simple, brute minds, the bare minumum of what is needed to be considered "sentient". The Kraken created them, and he made them like this so that they would never have the mental capacity to sway from his grasp of their own accord or become more than warrior-beasts to bring him sacrifices and do his bidding. There's no room in their heads for anything else. In short: they are intelligent enough to work better than any animal, but dumb enough to almost never question an order. [/hider] [hider=Altars of Undasis] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sdhGe9A.jpg[/img] Altars are tended to and guarded by the Mer, who build aquatic villages and at times bustling cities around the Undasis Temples. These are protected by the Sea God himself with utmost passion and devotion; to approach an Altar-City uninvited and unprepared is to invite a quick and watery grave. There is, however, always the threat of Kraken's rage. To deal with this, the Kamiv offer sacrifices in hope of appeasing his blood-lust. These sacrifices are primarily consistent of sharks, giant eels, and the giant squids that have outlived their usefulness. ((MORE ON THIS IF I GET TO THE POINT OF CREATING INTELLIGENT LIFE)) [/hider] [/hider]