[hider=Ferghus, the Blacksmith] Name: Ferghus Alias: The Blacksmith Gender: Male Domains/Portfolios: Fire (Forge) Fire. It burns. It destroys. It is hard to control. Unless, of course, you're a powerful God wielding awesome powers. Fortunately for mortals, Ferghus has more practical uses for his flames. The forge. The place where tools and weapons of all shapes and sizes are born. They all come back to their home every once in a while, and usually go out great. Ferghus has no equal when it comes to his skill in the forge, although there may be some who come close. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Personality: He does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. If you need him to do something, well, good luck with getting him to do it, unless you got a good incentive for him. Anything he does, he does out of his own interest, whether it be granting a warrior the use of Excalibur or making that very weapon rust when that warrior needs it. Appearance: [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/364/5/2/Blacksmith_by_ARCHVERMIN.jpg[/img] Musical Theme: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_UaeX54Cfs[/url] Description: God of the Forge. He'll do anything for you, as long as you got something to give him in return or if he feels like it. He doesn't care if people commit vile acts of cruelty or kind acts of generosity, all he cares about is himself. Pray to him or something, he'll most likely help you with whatever he can do, as long as he gets something out of the deal. [/hider]