[hider=My Hider] [centre] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/355/b/3/twi_lek_by_maximpakulov-d6weimw.jpg[/img] [b]||Ubatrazi - Trazi for short|| ||Female||20-ish||Twi'lek||5'6||[/b] [b]||Likes||[/b] ♡ Her Daggers ♡ Most people ♡ Drinking [b]||Dislikes||[/b] - Drugs - Arrogant people - Slavery [b]||Personality||[/b] ||Laid back||Clever||Fearless||Quiet||Caring||Not Afraid to Kill||Charming|| [b]||Bio||[/b] - Trazi once lived on her peoples home world Ryloth, she had loving parents and wasn't poor. - Her family was well to do and greatly respected by both her people and those of different races. - She was a bright child and was taught the many langues of the galaxy, she loved it. - Her whole life changed when the ship they were flying on was attacked by pirates. -The pirates killed her father and nearly all the crew, but they kept her mother and her alive as the females of her species made great slaves. - The men of the pirate ship fell into lust and so took her mother away. She never saw her again. - She was first sold to a Hutt, who simply wanted her as a trophy and a dancer. - She was treated pretty well there and lived rather comfortably for a slave. - The Hutt made bad financial choices so she was sold again. - Her next master, a Zabrak named Blokere. - He wasn't as kind as her first master. - He beat her, used her, had her spy and assassinate. - His training methods for turning her into his drone were brutal. (Will go into further detail IC) - She hated him, she hated the way he looked at her, she hated killing for someone that treated her like dirt. - While she was "entertaining" Blokere, his condo was attacked, in the confusion Trazi made her escape. - Even though she had escaped, her master had lived the attack and was now after her. He wasn't going to lose his favorite toy. - She had to keep a few steps ahead of him, but thanks to her assassin training and her seductive powers, she found ways to get from world to world. - She now steals, kills, and sells her company for a few credits. - She rather likes doing this on her own and not being forced to, she can choose what jobs She takes. - She is still on the run from her old master, Blokere. [b]||Extras||[/b] - She is a great dancer and seductress - Her favorite pistol is a Blast Tech DL-44 - She has two daggers, she loves them. - She's not that strong, but she's quick - She is a good assassin - She's not all that good with heavy guns, she is better with pistols and other small weapons.[/centre] [/hider]