[center][h3][color=C2B280]Fleo Plector – Her Room[/color][/h3][/center] After sealing herself behind a dusty door of her own creation, Fleo burst into a fit of giggles. She fear on the face of a man who professed to be cool and collected tickled her immensely. Nolan, she concluded, was a far more emotional person than he made out to be. As for his justification, she supposed it could have been an accident. In the under-construction zone of the Guild Hall, loose items underfoot indeed provided a hazard. Just as she was settling down, Fleo recalled the Lucas's reaction as well, and the giggling returned with a vengeance. Hopefully she hadn't scared them too badly. It was a toss-up in her mind whether she'd admit that she never would actually crush anyone's nuts, or whether to keep the looming threat up for the sake of continued hilarity. Only when someone knocked at her door did Fleo's laughter subside, and as she heard Lucas's request on Amaya's behalf, she affirmed her complacence. [color=C2B280]“I'll keep quiet about it. It's important to have people who can trust not to share secrets.”[/color] Even after he'd gone, however, the request puzzled her. What was so dire or so embarrassing about Icy Dragon Slayer magic that her white-haired teammate couldn't bear to have it known? Before long, Fleo had settled into sleep once more—dreamless this time, and peaceful. [center][h3][color=D8BFD8]Nero – Guild Hall[/color][/h3][/center] For a moment Ayame's refusal dulled Nero's fire, but it flared up again, as unflappably high-spirited, as always. Part of the reason for his mirth's swift resurgence came from the expression on his young companion's face, for he had never seen quite like it before, and found it hilarious. As if on cue, Ayame's stomach signaled an urgent need to fill it and Nero decided to humor her. [color=D8BFD8]“Hm, money? Let me sift through these coins real quick...” A quick count of the coins deposited before him by Penny proved them enough to pay for both the snack he'd already gotten and another couple of small dishes. Nero practically glowed to see his good fortune; perhaps Penny really was out to do good, after all! [color=D8BFD8]“Looks like I've enough to get us something small. Shall we stay in among all these... lovely Phoenix Gooners, or head out into Magnolia for some dinner in peace and quiet? Horned One knows I'm not sleeping here, at least, so might be best to leave it now.”[/color] He cast a glance at Ayame. Time to see if she still wanted to support herself. [color=D8BFD8]“Though I expect you'll want to take advantage of their charity...?”[/color]