Name: Nathan Krause Cape Name: Crow Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Nathan][img][/img][/hider] Costume: [hider=Costume][img][/img][/hider] In costume Nathan wears a modified version of a plague doctors outfit. His mask is a modified version of a gas mask, and while the robes and hat that cover his appearance completely may not look it, they are fire resistant, and cover a skin tight layer of Kevlar mesh. Height: 6' even Weight: roughly 160 lbs, he's on the scrawny side Affiliation: Villain Group: Leader of the Renegades Skills: Nathan is a bit of a jack of all trades, master of none, he has some training in had to hand, but he is only decent enough at it to take on people with no real talent or skill themselves, he also has a bit of first aide training, but as the plague doctor costume might suggest, going to him for medical help might be a poor decision. He is a decent hand at fencing, which comes into play with his physical weapon of choice. Tools/Weapons: As Crow his weapon of choice is a cross between a fencing epee, a police baton, and a taser, made by a tinker, the weapon is capable of shooting out foot long arcs of directed lightning, as well as being able to stab through most traditional protective layers, ranging from cloth to Kevlar, this combination lends itself to the weapon being jabbed into someone through their layers, and then using the electricity to disable them. Power: Avian telepathy and clairvoyance, corvidaekinesis(the manipulation of crows and Ravens) Power Classification: Master 9, avian clairvoyance and corvidaekinesis [hr] Name: Thomas Blake Cape Name: Versatility, Verse for short Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Thomas][img][/img][/hider] Costume: [hider=Costume][img][/img][/hider] Height: 6' 1'' Weight: 215 lbs Affiliation: Hero Group: The Wards, co-leader Skills: Due to the complications of his ability, he has had to train himself much in the same manor as a PRT member, as his abilities, whatever they are at the moment may come or go at a moments notice. He is skilled in several martial arts, computer technologies,and medicinal procedures, due in large part to the aide of his teammate Sparrow's ability. Tools/Weapons: A miniature containment foam gun, with enough foam in it's canister to completely subdue one average sized individual, with three extra canisters around his belt. He also carries a pair of tonfa, made of a composite metal. Power: Versatilities abilities change based on the powers of those around him. He copies a fractional power of any individual within a hundred yard radius, this means when with his teammates, and when facing down villains he has a multitude of powers to use against foes, but when on his own, he is limited to his own skills. Power Classification: Trump 1-9 [more coming soon to an RP near you]