Oooh, Spain. This works really well for the character I had in mind. I'll chew on exactly how to present the concept, but I think I want to play a traveling Moorish prince with no real chance of ever owning land. He's disguised himself as a simple scholar. He's probably had a proper Andalusian education, but after being caught in the midst of all the religious strife he's decided he wants to go and travel the world to see what sort of secrets it has to offer. He won't ever be a king, so his goal is to rule the world of history, myth and literature rather than the physical world. Assuming the old lore you posted in the interest check is all still in place, this guy's going to be fascinated by the Wizard Kings of yore. I'm assuming magic is one of the fantasy elements not available to players at the start, so he's just going to be looking to find any old relics of theirs. As far as working with a group goes: I expect this guy to fit in just fine with a band of mercenaries or adventurers. I don't see him getting along with thieves or bandits or the like. EDIT: Did a bit of research on your site. I noticed that [url=]Berber Paganism[/url] is a thing, so I want to ask: would the ruling class of Mauretania - or, say, a kingdom to its south - be practitioners of Berber Paganism or Ilm-Islam? Or [url=]Maraboutism?[/url] (Map I'm looking at: [url=]here.[/url]) I'm also happy to play a Suevian or Arab character and have ideas for them, but this is my first choice. EDIT 2: Yeah, definitely leaning toward playing a traveling Marabout priest that happens to be a landless prince from Maurentia or Tingis if that's allowed. gets sent to Andalusia to become educated and ends up realizing he hates being shut behind walls. Youngest son sort of situation, zero chances of inheriting a throne of any sort. Sensible choice?