Galren’s attention was directed towards the door after hearing the scuffling of small shoes approached, the door opened, and a small goblin appeared before them, dressed in priest’s robes. His eyes widened a bit, but he stayed silent. He knew that goblins were mechanical marvels when it came to building things, but he had never met one who was taking the role of a priest in his time. When the goblin spoke, he did so with such clarity and beauty in his voice that it was hard to believe that it was a goblin talking. He gave the goblin a slight bow, in respect, as the priest exited the room. After the goblin had gone, and Cid asked his question, [color=a36209]“Which of you are familiar with Lux Mau, the mountain of Dawn and Dusk?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]“I saw it on my way to Navire.”[/color] Selie’re replied to the question of their employer.”[color=ed1c24] As majestic as the place looked, I sensed danger from it. Most likely it was from the monsters that tend to gather around many of the Maus.”[/color] He listened when Selie’re started to speak. She was right, and he knew that she would be crucial on this quest. He was hoping that she was as good with her swords as she was with her power of observation. [color=6ecff6]“If I may”[/color] he said, gesturing to the room, and stepping forward after she was finished telling what she knew about Lux Mau. [color=6ecff6]“First, I believe introductions are in order.”[/color] He said, turning his gaze towards his companions, and then Cid.[color=6ecff6] “I am Galren Firelight, a Geomancer from the forest town of Masa.”[/color] He started to pace back and forth across the small room, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. It was a habit of his when his mind was gathering information. [color=6ecff6]“Lux Mau, to the south east of Navire. Yes, I’ve been there once.”[/color] He said, raising one finger, slightly shaking it as he spoke, then making a fist and putting it to his chin, continuing to walk around the room. [color=6ecff6]“It is a place of worship for both man and beastman alike. Even primitive animals have been known to go there almost ritualistically, as if some instinct was driving them to gather there at certain times.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“There is energy, a force, that drives people and beasts to go there and worship during certain times. Idols have been built, and brought up to it, and even some carved into the mountain itself. It has been, for the most part, a place of peace. Offerings and sacrifices (Food, clothing, etc) have been made, many times, at the base of the mountain. Men put down their swords to pray to their deities there, beastmen haven’t been known to be aggressive, or at least as aggressive while in the vicinity of the mountain. It is a holy place. Many who enter the priesthood spend time near Lux Mau, but they are warned never to go near the caves within. I don’t know if it is forbidden by the church, or if there is something else about this.”[/color] He said, though his expression changed slightly. When he was deep in thought, he looked almost mad.