[center][h2]Jack Goran|Train to Shirotsume Town[/h2][/center] Jack hmed thoughtfully to himself and he thought of the best answer to give his new member. If she was asking what the town itself was like, he had to wonder what these "Riders" did in their spare time. [color=Turquoise]"Well, the town is considered the home of the wealthiest, most powerful people in Fiore next to the King and Queen. Fiore's largest mall is also located there along with the Shirotsume Gallery."[/color] He chuckles a bit at the mention of the gallery and looks at Jackie, a cheerful glint in his eye. [color=Turquoise]"We get lots of job requests from the Gallery for guards and investigators. So much expensive and amazing art in one place makes a great magnet for troublesome thieves."[/color] Before he could continue on to describe the guild, the young man from before who'd tried to arrest one of Phoenix Wing's members came in and addressed him directly. Jack narrowed his eyes at the young man and held up a finger, indicating to give him just one moment. Returning his gaze to Jackie, he smiles. [color=Turquoise]"The guild is the best. We all think of each other as family and when we gain a new member, we accept them for who they are, no questions asked. We have each other's backs at all times and share our experiences, whether good or bad."[/color] He then returns his attention to Shujin, and shakes his head. [color=Turquoise]"You get one chance to convince me this isn't some ploy to try and get close to that Lazarus fellow and that you genuinely want a second chance."[/color]