Name: Jack Marshal Cape Name: The Iron Fist Age: 18 Gender: male Appearance: [hider=Jack] [img][/img] [/hider] Costume: Currently his suit is just his boots, gauntlets, and his mask. He wears a tight black t shirt underneath all of it with loose red pants. Height: 6'3" Weight: 220 Affiliation: Hero Group: The Wards, co-leader Skills: Oddly enough he is not useless without his gadgets. He can't punch a hole in a building or fly but he can fight. His father taught both Jack and his older brother how to fight. Not one real style by any mean. Still Jack got into MMA to be like his older brother after the accident. So Jack can with the best of them and can take out goons without a need for his gear but to be effective he needs them. One thing that Jack loves to do Another of his skills is he is street smart. He grew up in a rough neighborhood. He watched the worst of humanity go around him. It helps him since he can use his knowledge of the city to his advantage. He knows how to get information in the slums. Tools/weapons: His gadgets are his main tools. As a Tinker he designs new tools to fight back against the scum of his neighborhood. His main gadgets are his gauntlets. They are rather large but pack a wallop if you get hit by them. Whatever Jack did to them made them very tough to break. If he has to, Jack can electrify them to take out a foe silently. It can take out a regular man for about an hour. His normal punches with them can put a nasty hole into concrete. [hider=The Gloves] [img][/img] [/hider] His other main gadget are his boots. These amazing things can help Jack leap about two stories into the air. He uses this to "leap" through the city. His gauntlets can attach to most surfaces except for smooth glass. He is still getting use to the leaping through. It is not graceful. His goggles have a few features. He plugged them into the police scanner and they have GPS system. He still has work to do on his entire gear. His suit is currently just a bunch of wires connected to his main power source. [hider=Goggles] [img][/img] [/hider] Power: The universe must have a funny sense of humor to give Jack Tinker powers. However his powers allow him to design gear based more on strength and stealth more than speed or intelligence. He loves to build and enters what he calls "Genius mode" for a few hours while he designs his gear. It also makes him much smarter than before. He can calculate his trajectory while he is leaping. He is a very good Tinker. Power Classification: Tinker 6, brute power armor specialization, possible thinker ? Trigger Event: He remembers the screech of the brakes as the train tried to stop. He remembers the screams of his fellow passengers. He knew he was going to die right then. Then something just snapped in young Jack. His eyes glazed over and he started moving towards the front of the train as if possessed. Using a combination of different things on the train he managed to stop it. As soon as everyone was safe, he collapsed from the strain. He quickly got up and pushed past the gawking crowds and ran home. He knew he had to investigate. History:The world did not deal Jack a good hand. He was born in the slums of the city to a former marine and his wife. He had one older brother, Jason, who Jack adored more than anything. The two of them were trained for lack of a better term by their their father. He thought that his sons had to be tough to survive in this world. So he taught the two how to brawl. Jack was rather good at it and would win most fights he got into. His brother thought he would try his hand at MMA so of course Jack wanted to as well. However it would never happen. Jason was caught in the crossfire between two rival gangs in the area. It crushed Jack but he swore he would get his revenge. He lived the promise he had made to Jason and started to turn himself into a weapon. However the accident happened and Jack got his powers. He knew that this was a sign. He had to use this gift to take out the gangs in the area and he had his sights set on the two that had killed his brother. He does keep asking himself one question: What is the number fior? Theme song: Build that Wall (Zia's theme) Other: Jack is bisexual and will hit on anyone. It's a bit of a flaw. why are there two number fours? I'm easily confused.