[Center][h2][color=f7976a]Ayame[/color][/h2] Phoenix Wing Nero[/center] Nero didn't look particularly happy with what she had just said about his idea of pranking people. She gave a guilty look at him but still couldn't approve with him that it was a good thing to prank others. She quickly dropped the act to not upset him even more and tried to be as cheerful as her personality would allow giving a bright smile at him for no real reason. Nero sifted trough the coins on the table and there seemed to be some left from his food just now. She stared at the coins and had realised they were not his but forgotten coins by Penny. Penny had paid Nero his bill so the left over money was technically from Penny. The idea Nero brought up was even more splendid. Her expresions was like that of a child opening a present on christmas. [color=f7976a]"Can we really go have dinner in town!? But you only eat in town on special occasions right? Like a date or with the family on Christmas."[/color] She went quiet, thinking about what she said and looked around her a bit to see if Penny would see that they got the money. She folded her hands behind her back and looked at her feet [color=f7976a]"It feels so much like stealing though."[/color] She averted her head even more and gave a downright sad expression. Her feet slowly slided over the floor as she slowly kicked swinged with one of her feet not really knowing what to do. On one hand she really wanted to go eat in town but on the other hand she might get scolded at by Penny and never enter the guild again [color=f7976a]"I don't feel so hungry anymore now"[/color] another growl escaped her stomach making her blush once again [color=f7976a]"That wasn't me"[/COLOR]