[center][b]Jarvis[/b][/center] [@Amaya Tamashii] Jarvis listened once more as Amaya talked, filing it all away, as well as trying to figure it all out. Jarvis sat silently, pondering what to say He sighed softly, before saying [color=aba000]"Dragon Slayers of old, those from Fairy Tail stated that their dragons all left, on the same day, and they never found them again, not for want of trying. Those from SaberTooth slayed their dragons, due to long illness. I do not think it odd that your mother left, telling y ou to come here."[/color] He paused here, trying to figure out what to say next, and just how to say it. He didn't 'wish to worry the young girl, nor did he want to give her false hope. [color=aba000]"Dragons have always been odd beings. Dragon Slaying magic has also been an odd form of magic, as has all forms of slayer magic. There will be a reason that your mother left, most likely to protect you. Close contact with Dragons, and their magic, affect humans, as they are affected as well. In anycase, we can look for her, but you cannot hide your dragon slaying magic forever. No one in this guild will consider anything less then cool magic."[/color]