[center][color=DC143C][i][h1]Krimson[/h1][/i][/color][/center] [color=DC143C]“Go go go go go!”[/color] The speeding vehicle was no match for the high speed suit that gave chase, and even with a crystalline girl anchoring him down he still managed to overtake them. Ash’s eyes darted to the suit, to following the girl as she crashed, and then back to the suit in its brash attempt at blocking their progress by standing in the middle of the goddamn street. As the distance closed, the tension was so thick that you could slice it 8 ways like a pizza. “B-Boss, what the fuck do I do?!” Ed’s movements were tense and sporadic, shown as the car weaved back and forth, unsure if he wanted to commit to this game of chicken. “What the fuck do you think, ram him!” As if to bolster the morale of his men, Carlos leaned out the window and took a few shots at Icarus, but at these speeds they only proved to whizz past Icarus and lodge into the wall of a random building. [color=BDB76B]“Ram it?! Are you serious? Ash, that thing’s practically a tank. If you collide, the car’ll go up, and… and…”[/color] And the car went up. From the apartment, to those in the car, a wide eyed and mouth agape shock overtook the whole lot of them when the vehicle lifted from the road and into the air as Icarus willed it. [color=teal]"So. This is how things are going to go. I'm going to grab that package in your trunk, and then I'm going to leave. If you guys sit there quietly, you can leave when I do. Try anything funny, I tase you so hard that you end up without bladder control for days. Understand?"[/color] Ashley looked down at her right arm. By now it was bathed in blood up to the elbow, and slowly climbed up in an attempt to protect its host. She was not about to get shocked today, that was for sure. [color=DC143C]“Does THIS look funny to you?!”[/color] Swinging her arm at the air in Icarus’ direction, the blood that had amassed on her flung at his face, colliding with his helmet like a pie to a clown. Writhing around on the man’s mask, the deep crimson covered his visor and bashed against it in attempt to get to his face. [color=DC143C]“Bail!”[/color] The four jumped down to the ground, Ricky and Ashley retreating behind Icarus on one side of the road, and Ed with Carlos on the other. The three opened fire, unsure if their firearms would even make an impact. While they did this, Ashley kneeled behind a bus stop and made an incision on her other hand. This was about to get messy, and she needed her armor as soon as possible.