[color=00a99d]"Let's head out then!"[/color] Erin went out first. She was enthusiastic to bond with her new team mates for the first time. She had no idea where the market was so she decided to wait for everyone to catch up. Her being in front would be a terrible idea. Erin didn't need anything. She had her Halberd with her and her throwing knives were inside her bag. She had all the necessites she needed but she figured she'd go along as everyone was going and she might find some good deals for some items even though she didn't it. [color=00a99d]"About the money thing, I'm totally fine with it. To be honest, I think I'm better off without money in my hands. I might spend it on useless stuff. Then again, without money, I can't spend it on useless stuff."[/color] Erin sighed as she continued to follow Damon, who seems to know the place well enough.