I Am the God Of: Forbidden knowledge, ambition, and power My Powers Include, but Are Not Limited To [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Omniscience]Omniscience[/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Mind_Control]Absolute Mind Control[/url] [Url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Knowledge_Manipulation]Knowledge Manipulation[/url] My Name Is: Kavok the Knowing The People Who Devote Themselves To Me Are Called: Kavokians I was the Creator's: Knowledge I Gain My Strength From: Spreading knowledge to mortals and influencing/controlling them. I am King/Queen/Master of the Realm of: Infinium My Realm is a Place of: Endless knowledge and eternal discovery To Mortals And To My Kin, My Face Is: [img]http://raptr.com/thumb/539/431/1d3fcf2e8067096ba8e6b80530c87e66/?url=b1.raptrcdn.com%2Fimg%2Fscreenshots%2Forig%2F57e3ef90c684ce96fa50c32746b96699.ff6a3be13a471e972158ba85e2fff602.jpeg&crop=0[/img] I Carry These Relics, That Cement My Power: [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130305121327/elderscrolls/images/d/d2/Blackbooktext.jpg[/img] I Have Emerged at: The Citadel of the Wraith Tyrant