Huh. Interesting. Interested. Since I don't know how much time I'll have after the Summer, might it be possible for me to pick a role that gives me a character distanced from the action? Basically, I'd like something that would let me post infrequently if I need to step away from the game - say, once every couple days or every three days. During this summer I have a LOT of free time, but after this summer... not so much. I'm leaning toward a Volus hacker if the above is acceptable. Those guys aren't really built for combat, so hacking things from a fair distance away from anything - perhaps being "plugged in" via a remote device held by one of the other teammates - would be good. But yeah, you have my interest and I'll be watching this thread. EDIT: Also, playing a Vorcha has a certain allure, now that I remember them. Hm.