[h2][color=007236]Stella Herbalem[/color]- Meeting with Mr. Johnson After Classes, Monday at around 5 PM[/h2] After classes had ended for the day, Stella decided she wanted to go back out to the greenhouse and see if Mr. Johnson was there. She wasn’t technically supposed to see him till the next day, but she had to talk to him. She couldn’t wait for either homeroom or Horticulture club. She started wandering around, and poked her head in greenhouse number two. [color=007236]“Mr. Johnson… are you here?”[/color] She asked, looking around. “Just back here Miss Herbalem.” Mr. Johnson’s voice came from a small storage area in the back of the greenhouse. “Come on back.” Stella walked in and then over to Mr. Johnson and smiled. [color=007236]“Hello again. Sorry to bother you, but… I just couldn’t wait till tomorrow to talk to you. When I get curious, it kinda sticks with me till it’s satisfied,”[/color] she said, and then walked over to Katie and gently touched her. [color=007236]“Hello again Katie.”[/color] Mr. Johnson chuckled, “I know that feeling all too well. You’ve got questions and I’m here for you. The Headmistress told me about you, she’s got an ability too, but it isn’t like ours. She asked me to help you understand your ability since ours is so similar, and to warn you of a few things. Here at Northwood, you’re in a safe place, but not everyone will understand. High school kids are cruel, but so is the real world. So you have to promise me not to tell anyone about your ability. With me we can talk about it all you want, and of course if you have a problem and you can’t find me you can always go to the Headmistress. She has an open door policy. Now that we’ve got that all important rules out of the way, what do you want to know?” Stella nodded. [color=007236]“I’m not crazy. I know better than to tell people the reason I love plants is because I can understand them, and manipulate them. I won’t tell anyone… but… I’ve been getting the feeling… I mean. I met this upperclassmen this morning, and he told me he was recruited because of gifts, and after what you showed me… I mean I may sound crazy, but… I can’t be the only one here with talents, right?”[/color] She said, looking at him. For someone who’s head was in the cloud a lot, she was pretty bright. Also, there had been enough clues sprinkled here and there. “Most students here are special in one way or another. Just look at what most graduates have gone to do. They’re almost all experts in their field. Ms. Standiford is extremely selective in her process. I can’t say I know of anybody here like us, but every school has its secrets. If you go into the library you’ll meet a young lady by the name of Amy. I expect one day she’ll find answers no one knew to ask the questions for. She’s brilliant and I’ve never seen anyone with gifts like her’s, but that’s not to say that she can, oh I don’t, speak to the books she handles, but sometimes it certainly seems like it.” Mr. Johnson leaned against one of the tables. “Does that make sense?” [color=007236]“Yeah, it does,”[/color] Stella said. She didn’t buy it entirely, but she doubted Mr. Johnson would outright lie to her. She leaned against one of the tables as well and looked around. [color=007236]“Is Miss Standiford the Headmistresses daughter? I met her this morning,”[/color] she said. The name had stuck out in her mind. “Yes she is.” Mr. Johnson smiled, “You have Home Ec then?” [color=007236]“Yup. I wanted to learn how to cook better, and also because I’m not so great at music,”[/color] Stella admitted with a small chuckle. She looked around, and was curious. Were the plants feeling any different than yesterday? She opened up her power and waited to see how they felt. Yesterday was like a deaf yell compared to today. They were screaming. The urge to leave was more overwhelming. Stella cut off her powers and looked at Mr. Johnson with wide eyes. [color=007236]“...Something’s wrong.”[/color] Mr. Johnson tilted his head, as if also listening. “Yes, they’ve been like that since lunch time.” He frowned. “I am quite worried about them, I have been for a while.” He sighed. “The plants know something we don’t.” Stella paused. [color=007236]“I think I heard something at lunch… but I’m not sure. I will admit I was a bit distracted,”[/color] she said with a small blush. [color=007236]“But that is a bit worrisome... “ She frowned after that, and stroked Katie again. “I do have to ask, can you hear them all the time?”[/color] “I can quiet them, but when I’m back here I like to listen to them. Lately I’ve had to keep that tone down though. I recommend you do the same if you can.” [color=007236]“I can focus it on and off… I had to learn to do it some number of years ago… it made it hard to eat veggies,”[/color] she said honestly. She wouldn’t mention the pot harvesting to her teacher. “Yeah, when I was your age, before I learned how to control it I met a vegetarian. That conversation did not end well. I had a broken hand and they had a broken nose.” [color=007236]“Ouch. I may live with and near hippies but they’ve never seemed bothered by my meat eating ways. My parents actually encouraged it… they even let me keep a window box and help at the local garden. Besides them, you and Ms. Standiford no one knows,”[/color] Stella said. She found herself missing home a little. Especially after the plants had been almost yelling at them to leave. “Well we’re all here for you. You can talk to us.” Mr. Johnson gives her a reassuring nod. “Did you have any other questions?” [color=007236]“Not at the moment… but I’m sure I’ll have more over the year. Thank you again Mr. Johnson. I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow yes, for Club?”[/color] She said, giving him a small smile. “Yep, have a good day Miss Herbalam.” [color=007236]“You too Mr. Johnson!”[/color] Stella said, and gave Katie one last stroke before running out, waving to Mr. Johnson. She headed back to her dorms, feeling a little bit better, but a lot more worried.