[center][color=39b54a][h2][b][u]Nilara Varentia"The Necromancer"[/u][/b][/h2][/color][/center] [img]https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/img/0377/33/1422677098309.jpg[/img] [hr] [color=39b54a][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 28 [color=39b54a][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] Female [color=39b54a][b][u]Kingdom:[/u][/b][/color] [color=39b54a][b][u]Persona:[/u][/b][/color] To explain what kind of person Nilara is you have to explain both aspects of her. The real Nilara is a suave, reckless, and carefree individual who lives for danger and fortune. That's her normal side. The other side of her is more complex. Nilara is possessed, her body is home to a desire demon named "Saria". Whenever Nilara nears a place of magic such as ritual sites, shrines, or magical artifacts the barrier between her mind and Saria's weakens. This allows for Saria to influence Nilara's personality making her less of the dashing rogue that she is and more of a sinister conspirator. She becomes more serious and less empathetic. In the past, Saria's influence has caused Nilara to be responsible for the death of former allies. There are times when Nilara can be nowhere near any source of magic and yet Saria can still interact with her. [hr] [color=39b54a][b][u]Post Example:[/u][/b][/color] [color=39b5a][i]"Just another day in my fucked up life!"[/i][/color], Nilara thought to herself as she fled the city guards. Apparently there was a bounty put on her in Qatar-Shan. Thankfully she arrived after The Sand Stalker did so she didnt have to worry about him hunting her. Vaulting over market stalls and weaving through crowds she evaded the guards until she arrived in a plazza. There she sat at a bench with her hood over her head as she waited for the guards to give up the search. [color=39b54a][i]"Sometimes it's just too easy. I wonder how the rest of the gang fared? Everything went to shit after we arrived at the hideout"[/i][/color], her thoughts were interrupted as she noticed the entire plazza crowd was leaving the area. [color=39b54a][i]"Time to go"[/i][/color], she got up to leave but quickly saw the civilians were being searched on their way out from the plazza. [color=39b54a][i]"Dammit...maybe one of these buildings"[/i][/color], she moved over to the nearest door but found it was locked. That's when it hit her, the guards who chased her stayed a constant distance from her the entire chase. This search was too well organized and done to quickly to be by chance. This was a trap. From the time they entered the city every move was planned out. The courtyard cleared out leaving Nilara at its center. The guards immediately rushed to surround her and for a moment Nilara thought about using her magic but decided against it when she saw the archers on the roof. [color=39b54a][i]"Its over"[/i][/color] she thought as she raised her hands and the guards moved in to subdue her. Later that night Nilara sat in the dungeons of Qatar-Shan, chained to the wall by her neck like an animal. Her hands were put in iron gloves and her mouth was gagged to prevent her from casting spells. [color=39b54a][i]"Well this sucks..."[/i][/color], she thought as she sat there awaiting her execution. Just then four guards entered her cell and stood above her, two of them with weapons drawn. [b]"Your time has come, witch"[/b], one of the guards said as he removed her neck chain. Nilara was escorted to the gallows in the main plazza of the city. There she stood upon the gallows with the hanging rope around her neck. She was hoping for it to be done quickly but of course the city guard had to brag about catching "The Necromancer". [b]"Nilara Varentia, also known as 'The Necromancer', leader of 'The Cursed Ones' bandit group and exile of the Sky Kingdom, for the crimes of banditry, murder, kidnapping, smuggling of contraband, theft, arson, desecration of sacred sites, vandalism, an public nudity, you have been sentenced to hang by the neck until until death. May whatever god you have show mercy on you"[/b], the speaker finally finished his bragging and signaled for the hangman to pull the lever. In those final moments the only thing going through Nilara's head was, [color=39b54a][i]"When the hell was I publicly nude? Probably one night at the tavern, wouldn't be surprised, I've done worse while drunk"[/i][/color]. The hangman had his hand on the lever when a voice rang out over the silence of the crowd. [b]"STOP!"[/b], cried the leader of a group of coalition soldiers. [color=39b54a][i]"Stop?"[/i][/color], Nilara thought in confusion. [b]"You cannot hang this woman! She has been conscripted into the service of the Earth Kingdom"[/b] [color=39b54a][b]"What the hell for?!"[/b][/color], she yelled in response. There was no way she was going to work as a city guard. [b]"A coalition force has been formed to combat the increasing monster attacks. She is to join the coalition and repel the creatures"[/b], the coalition soldier stated to the city-guard captain. A spectator yelled out from the crowd, [b]"That's horseshit![/b] [color=39b54a][b]"Yeah I agree with that guy, I'd rather be hanged than get torn apart by whatever demonspawn you send me after!"[/b][/color] [b]"It was assumed this would not be enough to convince you so as extra motivation I have been told to tell you that you will be paid well for your service"[/b] There was a silence which seemed unreal. Everyone stood there wondering if The Necromancer would live another day. Finally Nilara answered, [color=39b54a][b]"Why the hell not, get this damn rope off my neck!"[/b][/color]. The entire crowd screamed and booed in anger. A few tried to climb up to the gallows but we're kicked back down. [color=39b54a][b]"Lets go before they do the hangman's job"[/b][/color], Nilara said as she backed away from the edge of the gallow platform. The guards repelled the crowd as they escorted her to the city walls. There they put her on a horse with her hands bound behind her. [color=39b54a][b]"So how am I supposed to ride? I'm good but not that good"[/b][/color], she asked the coalition soldier but it was clear he did not like her. He simply replied, [b]"If you fall off we'll put you back on"[/b] [color=39b54a][b]...what a gentleman. Whatever let's be off then"[/b][/color] [hr] [color=39b54a][b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b][/color] [hider=The Longsword][center][color=39b54a][b][u]"Leech"[/u][/b][/color][/center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/88/02/ef/8802efbe4c0f4f5626f70841c7a97809.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=39b54a][b][u]Magic:[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*]Soul Drain- Her favorite spell as it can be used for more than killing. The Soul drain spell allows Nilara to sap the life energy of her opponent to revitalize herself. The spell does not kill the target unless she purposely drains them completely so it can be a great tool fo interrogation. If a target is drained to critical levels to the point they go unconscious they will awake after some time. [*]Equilibrium- Probably her least favorite spell, Equilibrium transfers whatever injures or damage Nilara takes and divides it equally between her and the target. It can go both ways meaning if an ally is seriously injured Nilara can repair them but at the cost of injuring herself. This means that if an ally has a broken leg Nilara can reduce it to a fracture but then that means her leg would also be fractured, she'd feel everything so this aspect of her spell is rarely used by her. [*]Ward- Since she does not wear armor Nilara relies on Ward spells for protection. Once cast it forms a shimmering green barrier that envelopes her body. If she is struck with a melee weapon she will not be injured but she will receive a bit of force which can push her back or send her flying depending on the force of the impact. [*]Glyph of Containment- By casting runes in a circle on the ground Nilara can creates a trap for the enemy. Anyone or anything that steps within the circle cannot leave it until either the spells wears off or they are magically resistant enough to break the barrier. [*]Corpse Summon- This spell is mostly used in the middle of a battle. Nilara can resurrect the bodies of the vanquished to serve as her undead thralls for a short time. [*]Conjure- When there are no corpses to resurrect Nilara conjures demons to aid her in battle. However she mostly conjures lesser demons as more powerful ones can be difficult to control and can be a hazard to herself and anyone around. [*]Weapon Enchant- Nilara's longsword "Leech" is special. It is capable of detecting whatever enchantment it's weilder desires and automatically drains magicka from them to enchant itself. Nilara can enchant the weapons of her allies but not in the way Leech does. She has to manually cast it on their weapons whereas Leech is automatic and almost instantaneous. [/list]