[hider= Penoraya T'mivus - Raya ] [center][img] http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/322/3/8/face_study__asari_by_philmster-d46x0ew.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]....[/i][/center][color=00aeef] [center][H3] Penoraya T'mivus - Raya [/H3] [h3]Seductress[/h3] [/center] [H3]Civilian Information[/h3][/color] [b]Species:[/b] Asari [b]Age:[/b] 308 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 [b]Weight[/b] 190lbs [b]Class:[/b] Vanguard [B]Biotic potency:[/b] Yes (all asari have biotics) [h3][color=00aeef]Military[/color] [color=00aeef]Background[/color][/h3] [b]Years Spent in Active Combat:[/b] 102 years of blasting people away. [b]Armaments:[/b] - M-11 Suppressor pistol - javelin sniper rifle - frag grenades - Hahne-Kedar G -912 assault rifle - M-9 Tempest submachine gun [b]Armor:[/b] - Ariake Technologies - Mercenary Armor (Medium) - securitel helmet [b]Advance Specializations:[/b] Nemesis - years refining her Biotic and combat skills have made her a deadly weapon. Her abilities to lift and warp are much better than most Vanguard's. Her ability to use weapons have also increased, but mostly it's her Biotics that pack the real punch. [b]Skillset:[/b] - Shockwave (advanced) - Lift/pull - warp - hand to hand combat - medic (basic) - biotic barrier - improvised weapons training - seductive prowess [b]Favored Powers:[/b] She loves using Shockwave, she likes watching people get flung around. She also likes using her incinerary amo, she likes watching her enemies burn. [h3][color=00aeef]Psychological[/color] [color=00aeef]Analysis[/color][/h3] [b]Traits:[/b] [list] [*][u]Clever[/u] - Raya has never been one to make a uninformed choice. She weighs the good and the bad and goes from there. She has been know to skirt around the law on many planets and stations (including the Citadel), as she always or most of the time finds a loop hole in the system. [*][u]Adventurous[/u] - Maybe it's just the Maiden stage that she's in that makes her want to explore and find new things. Or this is truly her. She loves going to new places and exploring and finding treasures that no one else has. [*][u]Fearless[/u] - Raya has not been one to fear the unknown, either it be a seemingly impossible situation or trying something completely new. She believes there is no time for fear, as it stops you from doing what you want or need to do. [/list] [b]Flaws:[/b] [list] [*] [u]Cold[/u] - Raya has been noted to seem cold or uncaring towards others. She can easily take a life if it will save the lives of others. She doesn't let many people get too close to her and holds them at arms length. This doesn't mean she won't have your back, it just means she could care less if you are having a "bad" day. [*] [u]Fearless[/u] - This same trait has gotten her into more trouble than she cares to admit. She has picked fights that later has turned into battles and has earned many enemies. She has also gotten former squad mates into trouble because of her fearlessness, as they tended to freeze up with doubt/fear and ended up either getting killed or at least shot. [*] [u]Sadistic[/u] - Ever watched some burn from your ammo, or get flung around from your biotics like a doll, or tear someone apart? Raya has and she kind of enjoys it, especially if she thinks they deserve it. She likes inflicting pain and sometimes receiving it. Basically she can be a rather scary person when she gets into this mode. [/list] [b]Pysch Profile:[/b] Raya loves playing the game of cat and mouse, usually with her being the cat. She knows the score on Omega and anyone soft or unprepared will get beat up, mugged or killed. She also knows that there is little justice for those that this has happened to. That is why she puts on a cold and hard exterior, it deters most people from messing with her. Plus it helps her rep and stops the noobs from starting anything they will regret later. But that is just one side of the coin that is Raya. She has been known to seduce just about anyone who she finds worthy of her time. Not many can hold out from an asari, as their body beckons you, their eyes promise to fulfill your deepest desires and their words fall like honey on your ears. And Raya has taken full advantage of her seductive powers and beds anyone she pleases, regardless of their gender or species. But none of her encounters mean much but a fun night. [b]Backstory:[/b] Raya was born on Illium to a powerful matron, who was reaching matriarch stage, and a Krogan warlord. Her parents were the talk of most asari circles, as they had been together longer than most asari pairing. Raya was the youngest of four sisters and always seemed to be getting into trouble, which always made her father laugh with pride. He often said that she had more of him in her than her mother, and her mother agreed. Raya had a good life and loved her family deeply. But all that changed when she was about 25yrs old. A Mercenary group, hired by an unknown business person, came to their apartment shooting anything that moved. She watched as her second oldest sister, Trazi, was gunned down by the intruders. Her father punched a hole in the wall and pulled out a gun she never knew was there. Her father fought with anger she had never seen before and it scared her. It was then she was grabbed by her oldest sister, Libbia, and was taken to the other side of the apartment. As she was following her sister she looked back to see her father ripping the head off a salarian and her mother sending a Shockwave into the crowded doorway of their home. Her and her two sisters ran to the other side of the apartment only to be met by more Mercenaries. Libbia threw up a biotic barrier before yelling at Miri to get her out of here. There was a sudden explosion in the front of the house, which shook the place. Libbia kept her barrier up as the enemy kept shooting and was yelling at Miri and Raya to run when she stopped short. Raya and her sister looked back to see their father coming down the hall with their mothers dead body in his arms. The memory of seeing her mother's face half gone would be something that will haunt her for the rest of her life. Upon seeing his children in trouble their father gently placed his mates body down, kissed her one good cheek and ran into the gun fire. Raya knew her father was doing this to protect his children and wanting to die as he couldn't live without his mate. This gave her and her sisters a chance to flee, but Libbia stayed to give her little sisters a better chance to get away. Miri and Raya ran to the balcony and were about to jump to their neighbors when Raya heard her sister gasp. She turned to see an Omi-tool blade sticking out of her sisters chest and purple blood coming from her mouth. Raya screamed and lost her balance on the rail and fell off the edge. She woke up in a hospital bed, confused and scared. The doctors told her that she fell onto passing skycar but they wanted to know what happened and why she jumped. Confused she didn't say anything but asked to go home. This gave the doctors sad looks as if they pitied her, that when they told her that she had been in a coma for a year and that her family had been killed by an unknown terrorist group. She remembered then and wished she never woke up. After all that things get a little blurry, as Raya spent most of her time traveling and dancing in bars to make money and on occasion she would take money for a "fun night". She became addicted to red sand for a while before running into a mercenary who gloated about a job he took 51 years before. As he told the story to her and the few others they were with, she realized that he was telling them of the job that killed her family. Rage boiled in her stomach until it was too much to handle. She lashed out with all the biotic power she could muster and killed him instantly. Those around her screamed and ran away while others asked why the hell she did that. "He killed my family!" Was all she said before walking away. She remained a dancer for a while but the thought of killing that merc and getting a small amount of justice was intoxicating. Killing was like a drug and one that was addicting, but she wasn't going to kill just anyone. She was going to kill those that deserved a bullet to the head. She spent a few decades refining her skills in combat and biotics before fully committing herself to being a vigilante. Every time she kills she imagines that it's the ones that killed her family and she enjoys watching them die. [h3][color=00aeef]Denouement[/color][/h3] [b]Character Motivation:[/b] Raya simply wants to kill or make life hell for those she thinks are bad people. She doesn't care for love (or that's what she thinks now) and she's not looking to settle down anytime soon. But her biggest motivation is finding the one who had the order sent to kill her family. [b]Significant Relations:[/b] Her Family - all are dead, but she loved them every much. She was closest with Trazi (her second oldest sister). Other than her family, she has had no significant relationships as she holds them at arms length (deep down she is afraid of losing them) [B]Opinions on Others:[/b] [hider=Hazan] Hazan, the Turian sniper with a few little chips on his shoulder. But Raya doesn't mind that as it seems to keep him sharp. He's a great shot and knows how to watch your back if you need it. Another thing Raya likes about him is that he is ruthless and focused. He will get the job done no matter the cost. She respects that and is rather happy to see someone almost like her. But he has a few hang ups, but then everyone does. His attachments to others causes him not to always think clearly, especially if they are in danger or trouble. His biggest problem is his attachment to Daro, as he will go out of his way to protect her which can compromise a mission or the whole team. So far that hasn't happened yet, but it's only a matter of time. [/hider] [hider=Daro] Sometimes Raya can't stand the little Quarian. She is always so happy and light hearted that it makes her feel nauseous, not to mention that she is naive. That girl needs to learn not to trust ever one she meets, though she learns fast. It would just save her a lot of trouble if she learned to keep people at arms length for a bit until they earn her trust. But then not everyone can be like her, cold and "unfeeling". Which is probably a good thing as there isn't enough room in the galaxy for cold hearted bitches. With that said the kid's good at what she does and Raya [i]is[/i] glad to have her around, even if she doesn't always show it. She has noticed though that there is something possibly going on between her and Hazen. Or at least they have "growing" feelings for each other. One as old as her learns to see these things and exploit them, but in this case she let's them be. She rather see them happy or partly happy, as being on a squad with gloomy people gets dull fast. She just wishes for Daro to tone it down a bit. [/hider] [hider=Nikusiil "Nik" Vos] Nikusiil the Drell after Raya's own heart. He is smart, strong willed and best of all violent. He's not afraid you get the job done no matter how much the cost may be. She likes that as it allows her to be her sadistic self, but if he thinks you are going too far he will stop you. That gets annoying but she listens. She does worry about his loyalty though, as he seems to be noble one moment and likely to stab you in the back the next. But then that's what you get with short lived species. She first ran into him seven years ago, when they were both going after the same target.(she enjoyed the competition for getting to the target first) Then again when she was drawing out the death of a Krogan for what seemed like for fun. She never told him that the Krogan was one of the Mercenaries that killed her family. But not many know about her past. Now she is part of his crew, with only fun times ahead. [/hider] [hider=Ryland 'R' Dilham] Oh the human! Raya has never seen one before, but she can respect the species as they held their own against the Turians. Not many could do that on their own other than the Krogan. But then the Krogan were overly aggressive by nature. This human though is one of those kind ones. Even though he kills he's still..... She has no idea, all she knows is that he isn't a cold killer like some of the others on the team. (Namely her) He seems to know his place, but he likes to pick fights (fearlessly too). Raya likes this part of him as it reminds her of herself. She might buy him a drink, but mostly out of curiosity to see if he can handle the drinks. This should be fun [/hider] [hider=Olan Bol] Raya doesn't trust the volus, he's more shifty than Nikusiil with his loyalty. But then she has never trusted the volus species, great with business and taking your credits. Olan seems the same as the others she met, they hide behind others that do the real fighting. But their round little bodies can't move every fast, Olan would only get in the way during a fight. So Raya's okay with him staying behind, she just makes sure he's not taking all the credits. Plus she never believes what he says, but this is mostly out of her dislike for the species. Over all if he doesn't screw with her, he's not bad. [/hider] [hider=Madran] Now this Turian knows how to party and Raya likes him, not because he's a charmer but because he knows how to hold his alcohol. She finds it funny how he tries to bed every girl he meets, with some success. He has tried to lay his charms on her, but nothing comes of it. She may approach sex casually (like him) but she just not into him like that. She knows that most of the team doesn't like him or trust him, but she does, just like how she trusts everyone else. (Except the volus) She might have a "fun night" with him, but that would just bring something weird to the team. Huh , she might as you never know with her. She might just tease, that's always fun. But anyway, in short Raya is okay with him. [/hider] Over all opinion of the team is, she likes them. She may not show it all the time or show it in such a way that you know she likes you. But she does. Even with her cold exterior and rudeness, deep down (like really deep down) it would break her if she lost them. She can do without the Volus, but he's part of the team. So she "cares" for him too, but very very little. [b]Awesome Theme Song:[/b] Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven (I know it's classical, but I find it beautiful and it has "dark" undertones that I love) [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]