[h1]Caits and Citrus Collab![/h1] [h2]Time Lord's hole in the ground[/h2] "Of course they are. There's lots of new magic, that not many people understand" Time Lord said, "As for my true name...well. That's something I do not give up to others. Time Lord...is just something I use." He drank his tea, glancing about the room, as trintiy seemed intent on stacking everything.. He sighed it had taken hours to sort it all out, and it would take hours to do so again. "So that's the best you've got, huh? You couldn't go, by, say... Chronus or something? Or Chrono? That's a good one." Trinity looks up from her sorting. She'd hardly started, honestly, though Timester didn't seem like he appreciated it. Well... yeah, he probably wasn't used to entertaining in here, but all the same, she wasn't about to start treading over the books. She'd at least clear some paths, even if she doesn't sort the whole room. The whole room would be quite a project, and... well, she'd want pay for that much. And it wasn’t her room, either. She leaves the books in stacks near where she found them, though her algorithm for sorting them... She could take the time to sort them alphabetically, or she could just be lazy and stack them by distance from the stack. The latter. More like just putting them on in the order she picks them up, but… eh. "You're distrustful, and with good reason. I'm not a good person. I have killed, and I will again. My order is a small one, and it cannot be destroyed." He put down the tea, and gave a chuckle. "I'm probably a lot younger than you think I am. Probably younger than you, too" he said with amusement. "To guess your age would be an exercise in futility." She shakes her head, standing up from stooping over to sort a pathway of books out. "I have no idea how old you might be. You couldn't be that much younger than I am, though... could you?" She studies him again for a moment, and again, his apparent age baffles her. Younger than she is, he says...? And he seemed confident about it. "Uh... 16?" Timelord chuckled, and said “You wouldn’t believe me if I said younger. So lets just leave it at that.” He said, and gave a sigh, filling another couple with hot water and tea, handing it over to a pair of waiting hands. Younger?! Jeez… who the hell was this guy? Trinity found it difficult to believe he could actually be younger. Of course, maybe he was just being tricky with his definition of age. Body hopping came to mind, and in this kinda situation, she might actually expect to run into that sort of thing. He glanced around the room. He supposed it would be an asset to be able to use archive magic, but that wasn't something he could do. He shifted, shaking his head. "As for what I suspected is coming....the signs are everywhere. I thought Phoenix Wing might be a good choice for this, but so far, I have been disappointed" "So you've been scouting us?" The young lady blows gently on her hot tea, encouraging it to cool. “I’ve been scouting many guilds. Phoenix Wing seemed most promising.” “Well, at least your not a threat.” He chuckled once more. “I’m not a threat. How amusing. Tsk Tsk, whatever you need to think, or believe.” “Perhaps… [i]threat[/i] was the wrong word.” The young lady sips gingerly from her tea and tastes it very carefully. Vivian taught her many things, tea included. Such was the high-class life that woman enjoys. Time Lord didn’t have time to slip anything in without her noticing… or did he? It didn’t taste like it, at least, friggin’ time mages. “What do you know of history, of how magic was considered...well, evil?” He asked suddenly, leaning back against the counter, watching Trintiy, expecting an answer obviously. “there are other guilds out there I suppose that I could watch. Dragon Fang seems promising as well, as does Frenzy Plant. And then there’s these dark guilds...children really, unorganised and unable to do much but be bothersome it seems…” He was thinking out loud now, and seemed to have forgotten he asked a question. Then he looked to Trinity once more, falling silent and waiting for the answer. “I know Fiore, for the longest time, has enjoyed leadership that encourages mages and guilds. However, many people view it as more of a danger than a boon. They’re not wrong, either. It is a very dangerous thing, magic. It is why guilds and the Council exist, to regulate magic. To prevent wizards from doing as they please or raging out of control. A long time ago, an evil wizard made demons and wove darkness. Some sources say an entire country was obliterated. If I had to guess, that would have been the lake between Joya and Bellum. I haven’t seen the region, myself, though. Is that what you meant?” She sips again from her tea, though she has to wonder if that was what the man meant. “Tsk tsk. It would seem you don’t have a grasp on what actually happened 97 years ago. How saddening. I would have thought, considering there’s two dragon slayers in your guild, that maybe...well. No matter. Fairy Tail, along with members from SaberTooth, assisted in bringing down Zeref, perhaps the darkest dark mage in existence. I still dispute that, but the facts are there. “ He gave a heavy sigh, and shook his head, going over to a wall, which seemed dedicated to images of dragons, and battle. “Unfortunately, my magic history lessons ended years early. Wait, did you say dragon slayers?” There were Dragon Slayers in Phoenix Wing? Trinity had seen Penny use some kind of fire magic, but she didn’t think she was a dragon slayer. He didn’t seem to pay any mind to her question, however. Not that she really wanted him to. He didn’t need to answer that directly. “A curse of slayer type mages is that over time, they transform into the very thing they are meant to slay. Fairy tail and Sabertooth probably never expected it to happen, to their dragon slayers, or at least not in the battle Happen it did, and suddenly, there wasn’t just one dragon, Zeref’s, but eight. Seven from Fairy tail and Sabertooh, you should know their names, and one other, the poison dragon slayer. They had come together before, to do battle with dragons during the grand magic games of that time, but...but...this was different. Perhaps it was Zeref’s magic. No one knows, and anyone who was alive then cannot tell us, given that they are all dead. Such a shame.” He ran a hand over some papers, some drawings. Clumsy drawn, and yet they caught the aspect of the dragons so well. A red dragon, a yellow, a white….and more, of course. “Such a shame, such a shame. We cannot know what truly happened, and yet, we can speculate. In anycase, one thing we do know is that Zeref’s magic was nullified. Perhaps gone forever, but now, I wonder. Did it just undergo a statis, and has it come back, changed? No one seems to know, but...recent events lead me to believe that there are eight dragon’s, slumbering these past 97 years. Perhaps they succeeded in taking down Zeref’s dragon, who knows? I suspect we will find out soon” He looked back to Trinity, his expression dark. Well, she had a number of things to research on her return. Good thing they have a nice library back at the Guild. But, more importantly, “you’re saying that the return of dragon slayers could herald the return of Zeref’s magic? Or Zeref himself?” The reason he was so concerned about Zeref is because such a powerful being is a threat, even to his organization. Whatever organization that is. The timelord gave a shrug, and seemed to ponder his words, as he said "I have theories. I believe that the dragon slayers of old supresses Zeref's Magic, and their powers are fading. Or their statis is at an end, breaking the magic they used to subdue Zeref and his dragon. Theories, nothing more, but perhaps they are proven, now. I do not know. As to whether it means the return of Zefer...I do not know. But I think we can all agree that seven beings, whether they are now dragons, or indeed their human forms, returning to the world might not be a good thing. They were all powerful as dragon slayers, and as dragons...I shudder to think what may happen" he gave a sigh, turning back to Trinity, watching her. “Aah, I misunderstood.” Trinity sips her tea quietly as she listens. This guy had a perspective on things that could be a little hard to wrap one’s head around, but she was starting to get it. “Yes, the return of seven such beings would be… tumultuous.” She considers the flow of the conversation and the actions this man was taking. He was looking for someone to fight a potential enemy. “You’re looking for someone to do your dirty work for you.” They may end up doing it, anyway, too. "My dirty work? No, I'm merely searching to make sure there are those that are powerful enough to defend the world. It's not my task, but I’d rather not see the world destroyed before all my goals are reached" he said, musingly "im sure you can understand that. In anycase, I have warned you at the least" “Call it whatever you want.” Trinity punctuates her sentence with another sip of tea. “You’re looking for someone to fight a potential foe you’d rather not take on yourself.” Zeref’s Dragon would definitely be an enemy, but other dragons? Maybe, maybe not. “I can see why you might be a little worried, though. A lot of drama’s been flying around, lately.” [i]I hope it’s only lately…[/i] “You see me as weak and cowardly, but really, I just know my limitations. I’ve told you that my order is a small one, indeed, it only has four members, and the other three are too old to be any good in a battle, and my magic...does not really mean much against such powerful beings.” The time lord said, his voice neutral, but his expression was somewhat angry. He was trying not to let it show. “Not cowardly. Strategic. Intelligent.” And that makes him dangerous. “Cowardice is something that holds one back from action. You are no coward." The strange wizard leafed almost idly through a book while the girl spoke. Enough about him, in any case. “It’s not the dragons I’m worried about, but the magic they will bring. Already, you may have noticed some old, lost magics returning, and new, created magic. Who knows what it will lead to?” He shook his head, putting the book down. Aah, so that was it. "There’s no way to know what will come.” New and returning magic could indeed be dangerous. Dangerous things lay in the past, and who knows what new magic would be woven. The possibilities were nigh limitless, but... that was also dangerous, and such unpredictability could throw a wrench into so many other plans. Trinity finishes her tea, and sets the cup down gingerly on the table. She moves a book or two so she doesn’t end up leaving a ring in one of them. “Thank you very much for the tea, Time Lord. I do think I should be going, however. Before I go… could I bother you for the name of your organization? If it even has one.” That wasn’t the only thing Time Lord was concerned about, but he wouldn’t mention that right now. or at all. The Time Lord had his own plans, and goals, and all he wished were for them to be fulfilled. If he could make Trinity, and subsequently the guild think that he only had good intentions at heart, then that would go a long way to completing his goals. “Go home quickly, little Archer, I myself now have to go out and get more tea” He gave a sigh, and then a chuckle, “My organisation goes by several names, but one we can agree on is the Lords of letters, as our names all have Lord in them and we research” He said with amusement, indicating that that wasn’t the true name, and nor would he give that out. “Run along now." "Lords of Letters, huh?" She doubted that was the real name. It didn't fit, somehow. She bows courteously, wearing a solemn expression. "Thank you for your hospitality. I wish you a good evening." With that, the minstrel turned and followed the little pathway she'd cleared earlier, out of the underground home. Once above ground and a fair distance away, she checks behind herself to make sure she isn't being followed. The man she spoke with was very careful not to reveal any of his personal or professional goals, beyond dealing with a common, potential threat. He'd revealed that he considers his organization to be a threat to them. She should speak to Jarvis... Barring anything interrupting her on her way back to the guild, she would walk in through the doors and call, "Jarvis, are you about?"