[b]Name:[/b] Nicholas Smith [b]Cape Name:[/b] Predator [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] (Don’t have a picture, sorry) Nick sports black hair which he doesn’t do anything with and black eyes. His appearance is rather lazy, but he’s always clean. That’s something, right? Otherwise, his face is just kinda normal. It’s somewhat angular, but not that much. He kinda just looks like a normal teenager should, really. Outside his 'work', he wears some jeans and a t-shirt and stuff. Varying colours. He doesn't care much for his appearance. [hider=Costume]It’s this guy’s suit: [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8b/ed/40/8bed401e13f121f0b102fb4c570d4bdb.jpg [/img] It’s reinforced with Kevlar and all that stuff, but it’s not got enough to be too expensive. Basically a standard issue suit given to all the grunts of the company. [/hider] [b]Height:[/b] 5’ 11” [b]Weight:[/b] 80 Kg [b]Affiliation:[/b] Villain [b]Group:[/b] The Company [b]Skills:[/b] Damn good hand to hand combat skills, some small weapons and firearms skills. Good stealth skills. He’s also got a really good memory, is pretty dextrous and is pretty good at forging, for some reason. He’s got really nice handwriting and is pretty smart. [b]Tools/weapons:[/b] Usually just uses himself, but if he needs more firepower, he’ll go get some guns (usually just like a pistol, but sometimes a submachine gun) [hider=power] Nick’s power stems from transformation. He can transform parts of his body into his ‘transformed form’ which is more of a mutation which he can come back from. In his ‘transformed form’, Nick’s hair becomes white and his eyes become yellow and reptilian. He also grows scales and claws on his body. Most disturbingly, his mouth widens and his teeth become shark-like. A lot of people find that creepy, but never mind. While in his transformed state, he has enhanced strength, speed, durability and healing rate. He also gains an ability he calls ‘hunter sense’ which allows him to detect presences and erase his own presence. In terms of physical prowess, he becomes about as fast as a velociraptor, strong enough break someone’s bones with little effort and durable enough to survive a sniper shot with just a broken bone. He also has the ability to project ‘killing intent’, pretty much purely to make people shit their pants. As mentioned before, he can partially transform his body parts. For example, he can just turn his hair white, which does nothing but turn his hair white. He can change his eyes which gives him the hunter sense. If he changes his limbs, he gets the claws and the scales, and he can grow the scales without the claws. However, doing any change will automatically turn his hair white, even if he didn’t want it to. His best ability is probably the ability to trade his physical abilities over to other ones. For example, he can swap out a portion of his strength to boost his scales’ defensive capabilities, or he can swap out his defence for more agility. With all these powers, Nick is pretty strong, but they do come with drawbacks. First and foremost, his transformation acts less like a boost in times of trouble and more like an outlet of his anger. Nick’s temperament allows him to anger easily, but instead of showing it, he bottles it up. The more anger and annoyance he has bottled up, the stronger his transformed state becomes. However, he becomes less controllable and his anger can spiral out of control. This has only happened once, but it happened. Additionally, while he can buff his scales and all, he’s not a great tank. His scales aren’t exactly steel or anything, and piercing stuff would probably go through them pretty easily. He’s more of a brawler than anything, but he mainly specialises in stealth and infiltration, so he’s not great in open combat or when surrounded. He can survive well, but he’s more for burst damage than sustained combat. [/hider] [b]Power Classification:[/b] Changer 3, Bruiser 6 [b]Trigger Event:[/b] It was really a combination of things. His foster parents for one, his foster siblings for another, and a few other little things. Nick is pretty patient most of the time, but a couple of years of it would drive most people into heavy depression, if not suicide. However, Nick wasn’t like most people. He found himself slowly plotting to kill them, as he didn’t appreciate them very much. The turning point came one evening when he was yelled at to take out the trash, where he was about to be mugged. Nick was stabbed when he refused but instead of dying, he got really angry. He transformed, healed up and basically tore the guy to pieces. His foster family came out to see what the commotion was and found him covered in blood with corpse pieces in front of him. Thus started his life as a dude who kills people for profit. [hider=History] Nick was born somewhere, sometime. No one really knows where or when, and he doesn’t care about himself enough to dig it up. He lived the first 9 years of his life in a poor orphanage with 9 other kids, of which Nick was the oldest. Contrary to many tragic backstories, he was pretty happy in the orphanage. He took care of his 9 siblings and took responsibility for them. However, when he was about 10, the orphanage was closed down because it was taking up money and space. Nick and his 9 siblings were split up and his life went downhill from there. He was used to taking care of people so his foster family treated him like a servant for roughly 3 years. Due to the treatment, Nick had been quietly stewing for all those years, slowly building up his anger before the melting point when he was thirteen; his trigger, so to speak. And then he got a new purpose in life. Before the incident, Nick was pretty quiet. However, the incident gave him some confidence and allowed him to be more outspoken. His personality didn’t change, he was just more open. He didn’t tell anyone he had his powers, of course. His foster family knew, obviously, but who would they tell? Nick certainly didn’t look like someone who could tear a man apart with his bare hands. Nick continued his life relatively peacefully as his foster parents would basically shit their pants if he looked at them slightly annoyed. He used the peace to begin achieving his goal: making a ton of money and finding his ‘siblings’. He began devoting his efforts to getting smarter to get a lot of money and got good grades and made some friends. Well, it didn’t matter that much to him anyway. He went for quite a few scholarship programs and was accepted by most of them. However, he came to choose one that was funded by a large secret criminal organisation called “The Company”, who knew of his powers and offered to train him in his use of powers and to give him a job depending on his actions. Nick accepted. He finished his training half a year before he graduated high school and became a member of the company’s stealth and infiltration force, partially as a spy and partially as an assassin. Nick took care of a lot of work and is a reasonably well trusted member of The Company. He was trained in hand-to-hand and small arms as well as espionage and stealth, and he became a pretty crafty fighter. Pretty much as soon as he graduated, he moved out. The Company took care of the college fees and he just had to deal with his jobs. He doesn’t stay in contact with his foster family at all. [/hider] [b]Theme song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGw8DWctAts]Doesn’t really fit, but it fits with everything so it fits technically[/url] [b]Other:[/b] Like animals and snacks. Likes peace. His goal is to find his siblings and then buy a big house that they can all live in. He’s really just a lazy guy, kind of. Likes history and mythology. Despite being pretty smart, he's also pretty dumb sometimes. And also, why are there 2 fuors? You should really work on your counting.