Take this post as an expression of my interest, and that I'm working on a character, but be forewarned: I write the hell out of things. Few questions: I. What, uh... Rank of Casual would you classify this as? (Mid/High/Low) II. Is it safe to assume you'll throw our stats at us after finishing our sheets to your specification? III. I always draw my characters. [i]Always.[/i] Can I throw that down in lieu of a description or am I to double up? IV. Safe to assume we're starting at level 5-10? Or, like, what's the plan with that? V. Finally, is combat or character interaction going to take the fore? How much of this do you expect to be stat-fights and, conversely, the inter-character rapport Fire Emblem is known for? Also, Tactician is super cliche, but I'd like to put myself down for it. You know, in case anyone's reading this and intends to fill around who picks what class.