[hider=Daro'Shuris nar Konesh] [center][hider=Appearance] [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/257/3/0/c___lylialadeifilia_by_nominee84-d49txhq.png[/img][/hider][/center] [center][i] Short, slim and marked by an envirosuit decorated with flowery, lacy fabric.[/i][color=cf9a9a][H3]Daro'Shuris nar Konesh The Doctor[/h3][/color] [/center][color=cf9a9a][H3]Civilian Information[/h3][/color] [b]Species:[/b] Quarian [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height:[/b] 5'5" [b]Weight:[/b] 120 lbs [b]Class:[/b] Engineer [b]Biotic Potency:[/b] ([s]Y[/s]/[b]N[/b]) [hr][color=cf9a9a][h3]Military Background[/h3][/color] [b]Years Spent in Active Combat:[/b] 0 - 1 Years [b]Armaments:[/b] [indent][url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/M-3_Predator]M-3 Predator[/url] (Heavy Pistol) [url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/AT-12_Raider]AT-12 Raider[/url] (Shotgun) Weapon Mods: Combat Scanner [/indent] [b]Armor:[/b] [indent] Quarian Envirosuit – Explorer Model Cipher Omnitool[/indent] [b]Advance Specializations:[/b][indent][url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Medic]Medic[/url] – Daro'Shuris is no stranger to illness, death and disease as well as the various wounds one might receive from a nasty battle. As a Quarian, she has been taught to fix up her own rather swiftly to prevent infection; however, she also happens to be rather adept at doing so for the other races of the galaxy. It has always been her goal to become a ship's medic should she return to the Migrant Fleet intact.[/indent] [b]Skillset:[/b] [indent]Daro'Shuris is excellent when it comes to mending others' wounds, even in the middle of a fight. She can do more than just slap some medigel on it and is able to concentrate intensely when doing so to the point where she doesn't even notice the bullets flying around. Having grown up on the Flotilla, engineering is almost second nature to Daro no matter how much she may specialise in medicine. When it comes to fixing up electronic (and mechanical) devices she finds it as easy as breathing, and she's also not half-bad with hacking although she's better with a screwdriver in hand. Interestingly, she has piloted shuttles before, and while it's recommended not to let her try and [i]land[/i] them, she's not half-bad with cliched chase scenes. So long as one doesn't get motion-sickness. Daro'Shuris does not have much experience with combat and so is probably best in classic, medium-range firefights [i]against organics[/i]. At long-range she's practically useless (unskilled at sniping or sharpshooting so she's a "spray and pray" type) but at least if the enemies are closing in on her she has a shotgun and whatever she can dish out via her omnitool. [/indent] [b]Favored Powers:[/b] [indent][url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Incinerate]Incinerate[/url] [url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Medicine#Neural_Shock]Neural Shock[/url] [url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Damping]Damping[/url][/indent] [hr][color=cf9a9a][h3]Psychological Analysis[/h3][/color] [b]Traits:[/b][list] [*] [u]Cheerful[/u] – Daro believes whole-heartedly that if she's not dead, then things can always get better. Even if it's forced, she does a good job of always staying on the bright side and never dwelling on thoughts of death and failure. Sometimes she can even be heard [i]whistling[/i]. [*] [u]Empathetic[/u] – Daro'Shuris prides herself on being able to sympathise with others' mindsets and their reasoning. It is easy for her to forgive others and feel sorry for them and their situation. Often she feels a little uneasy at killing, plagued with guilt in bed at night... but she would feel even worse if she couldn't help those wronged by the gangs of Omega. [*] [u]Loves Learning[/u] – Naturally! If she didn't go out of her way to learn the anatomy of other species, she wouldn't be very useful as a doctor! Still, it extends further than medicine: Daro'Shuris loves to experience new things, listen to Hanar poetry readings, learn how to shoot straight, how to install a mech and so on. Anything that could help her on her Pilgrimage (which she now seems to have abandoned). [/list] [b]Flaws:[/b] [list] [*] [u]Naïve[/u] – As refreshingly optimistic as Daro'Shuris is, it comes at a cost. Daro believes that everyone can be saved and turn a new leaf as if in some dramatic movie. She will almost always suggest forgiveness and temperance, even if it falls on deaf ears. Even if they don't deserve it. Some say she is too trusting. [*] [u]Prone to Panic[/u] – Sealing a ghastly flesh wound, hacking a door open? That's all fine and dandy, but the moment she's forced to hurry, either by others barking orders at her or simply suggesting she speed up, everything becomes difficult. Daro doesn't react well to stress and generally likes to do her own thing. [*] [u]Young[/u] – There's a [i]lot[/i] that Daro'Shuris doesn't know about the world – everything from how to order a drink at a bar to understanding what makes people tick. Of course, Daro's also twenty-three, so she thinks she knows [i]everything[/i] and is always right about her assumptions. [/list] [b]Psych Profile:[/b] [indent]If nothing else, Daro is determined to as much good as possible in the world while she is still living. Often she can be ditzy, idealistic over realistic and almost hard to take seriously with how little she understands a tough life on Omega; however, it's hard to argue that she hasn't [i]seen[/i] it. It's almost willful ignorance of just how evil other sentient beings can be and it keeps her going. Presumably over the months she's spent on Omega, she has learned that not everyone is worth saving and that her own life is important too – somehow she finds it within herself to shoot right back at those attacking her. She's not [i]stupid[/i]. Still, if there is an opportunity to spare someone she will take it; if there is someone requiring help then she'll offer it before asking the details. [/indent] [b]Backstory:[/b] [indent]Daro'Shuris was born aboard one of the smaller ships that made up the Migrant Fleet, the [i]Konesh[/i], of which her mother was the Captain. Daro's father was significantly [i]not[/i] as reputable, a brilliant soldier but not all there in the common sense department to the point where he brought home so poor a Pilgrimage gift that most of the residents of the [i]Konesh[/i] looked down on him for it, even twenty years later. Of course, to the captain who accepted him "love knew no bounds". It's abundantly clear where their daughter's hopeless romanticism came from. Naturally, Daro was known as the Captain's kid and so was fairly well-known, especially on-board such a cramped vessel. Then again, there were always those who remembered her father's embarrassing youth and their children often parroted what their parents said – "[i]Did he really bring back..?[/i]" – to pull on her metaphorical pigtails. Still, there were no complaints about her abilities and natural intellect, only a resounding relief that she wasn't as dumb as a rock like her father. Even as a child, Daro expected to volunteer working aboard one of the Liveships, perhaps as one of the many engineers required to keep such a large operation running. Overall, she found herself attracted to the prospect of [i]helping[/i] others rather than harming them – she would be no Quarian mercenary selling herself for work when the Flotilla entered a new system. It was only as a teenager, perhaps twelve or thirteen, that she wondered if her talents were better suited towards helping her people combat illnesses and prevent needless death by infection. Thus she "helped out" in the medical bay of the [i]Konesh[/i], though such a job only involved sterilising what was needed to the best of her ability. While Daro was preparing for her Pilgrimage, her mind was made for her. A system fault in the [i]Konesh[/i] destroyed it quickly and it was her mother who was blamed, although nothing could have been done about it. Out of the three hundred strong crew, including Quarians who had not yet become recognised adults, only half survived to flee onto its sister ship. Given that Daro's suit was irreprably damaged in the process, she saw first hand how vital medical care was with a nasty infection that set her back a whole year when it came to leaving the Flotilla for her coming-of-age experience. When Daro was eventually fit and able-bodied enough to head out on her own, she did so leaving nothing behind save warm companionship and a never-ending amount of other Quarians to talk to. While she did intend on returning, her first stop was Omega. And that's where the ship taking her to the starting destination left, and she was all alone in one of the worst cesspools in the galaxy. The only Quarians on Omega were those who had either failed their Pilgrimage, or had left the Fleet of their own accord, so she worked for a time in a gun shop. It didn't make her feel any less awful, knowing that those weapons were being used by various merc gangs all over Omega – sometimes on the innocent. Or, well, as innocent as someone on the asteroid could possibly be. While initially she hoped to work only long enough to fund a trip to Ilium or perhaps the Citadel, she ended up staying for much longer, if only because she found a purpose there. Doctors were in short supply and murders were, of course, as high as ever. Word got around that there was a Quarian who could prevent infection like the best of them (sort of, she was just used to working on herself) and so she had so many customers showing up just asking to be treated that her employer suggested she take the business into the slums where it might help others. (Maybe he thought she would die down there. Who knows?) Daro genuinely thought she was doing the right thing. The clinic she set up (in a small, cramped flat that was near-impossible to do anything with let alone sterile enough to take her envirosuit off) didn't ask any questions and payment was often [i]not[/i] mandatory. It might have helped the underdogs at first, those who had nowhere else to turn to and no association with one of the mercenary groups, but soon she had a suspicion that most of those she was treating were trained murderers themselves. Which was okay! Except they didn't pay. Ever. Daro – funds running low as prices of medigel rapidly increased – made a decision to steal it from one of the suppliers, a Salarian who cared little for the good cause it was being used for and everything for the money the doctor's business paid him. Problem One: it was quite obvious it was her. Problem Two: he was under the protection of another mercenary group. Daro didn't expect her clinic to be overrun with armed guards, effectively locking her out of it (even though she didn't try to enter since she would quite obviously [i]die[/i]). The mercs were hunting her too, of course, if only lazily. All those few months of hard work – the most productive months of her entire life – gone to waste. When she joined up with Nik's group aiming to make Omega [i]better[/i], it wasn't for revenge. Justice, maybe, but never revenge. With her clinic destroyed, she could have easily continued on to find a gift for her Pilgrimage, to return to the Migrant Fleet, but she didn't. She became a vigilante. She wonders what that says about her. [/indent] [hr][color=cf9a9a][h3]Denouement[/h3][/color] [b]Character Motivation:[/b] [indent]It might seem a bit cheap or cliched, but Daro just wants to [i]do good[/i] and help out where she can. Her Pilgrimage has been on indefinite pause since she landed on Omega – a terrible, terrible place that she considers more of a home than the [i]Konesh[/i] ever was. Few believe her when she says she wishes to make it better.[/indent] [b]Significant Relations:[/b] [indent]Likely nobody from the Flotilla, including her family. Young Quarians who left on their Pilgrimage at the same time as her may be within reach, notably a childhood friend [b]Zan'Taemas nar Konesh[/b]. Those she has met during her time on Omega include a few extortionate medigel suppliers (who she stole from in true Robin Hood fashion) and a Red Sand-dealing mercenary group who were hired to destroy her clinic.[/indent] [B]Opinions on Others:[/b] [indent][hider=Penoraya T'mivus] Raya is everything Daro is not. Strong, confident, powerful, [i]strong[/i]. Pretty, too – though, for an Asari it's almost guaranteed. The Quarian can't help but compare how useless she is in comparison, both admiring and envying her squadmate. Several centuries worth of knowledge is something that Daro desires but knows she will never have. Naturally she is curious of what the biotic knows and [i]always[/i] listening to what she has to say as if expecting some hidden wisdom. If Raya is somewhat off-putting with the cold-shoulder, Daro is happy to ignore it – not everyone is willing to make nice and small-talk is not always helpful to fill empty silences. There are no hard feelings there. Still, she does wish that the Asari would come out for drinks or just a girls' night out (not that Omega's much of a place for one of those). Daro doesn't want anyone to be [i]lonely[/i], even if she has to be overbearingly friendly to do so. Ultimately Raya is definitely someone to respect. And, since she [i]did[/i] joining a team dispensing justice and 'selflessly' doing good, Daro is okay with her, and figures that anyone who supports their cause [i]must[/i] have a golden heart. Sort of. (Daro just wishes the Asari would tone down the sadism a little. Watching someone get torn apart by sheer concentrated power of will a bit scary, isn't it?) [/hider] [hider=Hazan "Haze" Volintis] Daro owes her life to Hazan at [i]least[/i] three times over, and that's only counting the occasions she's noticed. At first it was baffling leading to all sorts of questions like, '[i]Is he doing this because I cannot take care of myself?[/i]' and '[i]Is it because I fixed up his leg? Because I do that with everyone![/i]' but over time it grew on her to give her the “warm fuzzies”. As a result, she's a bit shy around him but certainly not displeased when they automatically pair up on most missions. She sort of likes it, having someone to count on both in and out of combat, but nobody better tell him that. (She's not obvious, is she?) When she can help out, though such an opportunity is rare, Daro will do anything to stagger those targets and make them ripe for the picking. She's gotten in the habit of leaving the kill-shots for the resident sniper like a cat bringing in dead mice. [i]Wait, that's not the right phrase...[/i] And, even if she'll never admit it, Daro is [i]always[/i] on the lookout to see if he has been injured. It used to make her feel terrible when a patient she didn't even know had been hurt, but it's [i]so[/i] much worse when it's her favourite friend on Omega. On whatever downtime they have between targets, Daro tends to drag Hazan around the station – though it's not out of any sense of being [i]indebted[/i] to him, never. With all the hurt and reasons to be glum in the world, she can appreciate someone who tries his best to make others lighten up. [i]Someone[/i] has to help him do the same, and there's nobody Daro would rather hang out with. (She just hopes that, as a light-weight, she hasn't made a fool of herself.) [/hider] [hider=Nikusiil "Nik" Vos] Daro isn't sure how she feels about her leader. It's not that she hasn't formed an opinion of him – it's just that she's uncertain as to whether it's [i]right[/i] yet. She remembers him as someone who required help once (as Drell were not at all common visitors to her clinic) and she had, of course, patched him up... But... She feels wrong chasing Nikusiil down this path of vigilantism, no matter how necessary it is for the good of Omega. Her place on the team was offered by him after her clinic had been destroyed and she was out on the street, forced to hide or die, and it couldn't have come at a better time. Daro is grateful for that, and for him setting up a group of heroes with a deathwish (of which she is apparently a part of now). He didn't need to. Yet she isn't sure that it is justice that drives him, and she doesn't want to fall into the same trap. Still. Daro has no objections to him as a person. Any guilt she might be suffering from, any time she might think she's in over her head – that's on her; it's not Nik's fault. And she will follow him to the end of the line, wherever that may be. (She wonders if his methods will corrupt her morals along the way.)[/hider] [hider=Madran Deltis] Madran is, well, charming. And filthy – the embodiment of Omega' seedier underbelly. But so very [i]charming[/i]. Daro knows that everyone has their vices (she isn't [i]that[/i] sheltered) but the Turian has... a lot of them, or at least that's what it seems like. The five years between them seems like a lifetime apart to Daro. She doesn't know enough about Madran's life to know [i]why[/i] he drinks himself into a stupor, but she does worry about him. It has almost turned into pity, since while he might know what seems like everyone on Omega, it seems like every second person's an old enemy. That's no way to live! Even so, Daro isn't wary of the scoundrel. For now, she's sure she doesn't need to be, since he seems [i]decent[/i] if not the conventionally heroic sort. So yes, she trusts him. (And if his banter makes her giggle, well, that's what a mask is for, no?)[/hider] [hider=Ryland 'R' Dilham] Daro tries her best not to make judgements of an entire race by those she has encountered, but she reckons that if there were a lot of humans like Ryland, the newest addition to the galactic community weren't all that bad. A rarity rapidly becoming more common, she knows little about their culture other than that many have assimilated just fine into the life of mercenary work and crime. She can respect a soldier with no apparent ulterior motives. One of the oldest professions in the galaxy and no more alien than her own people. Even if he's a tad... rowdy, when it comes to fighting, Daro is okay with that, even if tensions might rise between the human and her Turian allies. What matters is that she [i]knows[/i] Ryland is good people, just a little rough around the edges. She supposes that the typical archetype of a hero is near-universal. Perhaps she should buy him a drink at some point. [i]Do[/i] humans even drink? (Now if only she could convince the bosh'tet to stop that smoking – if he [i]knew[/i] the damage it was causing internally!)[/hider] [hider=Olan Bol] The Volus – trapped in envirosuits when they were out in the galaxy, just as the Quarians are. (Well, they're not [i]entirely[/i] similar, but close enough for Daro to be understanding.) Olan Bol seems nice enough, and Daro has no reason to dislike him, though admittedly she is a little wary – his reputation precedes him. Despite that, Daro has nothing but respect for an operative of his caliber. He makes her attempts at hacking look like child's play and she is nothing but [i]glad[/i] to have him on the team. She can't fault him for wanting to stay behind the scenes and not get shot at, especially when his envirosuit remaining intact is so vital to his continued existence. Maybe she has a bit of hero worship for him too, at least from the rumours floating around. Someone said he managed to instruct others on a hacking algorithm when his suit was damaged and he'd been [i]shot[/i]! And that's the mildest of the stories she's heard! (While they might be false, Daro likes to believe the stories are all true.)[/hider][/indent] [b]Awesome Theme Song:[/b] [indent][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wlrv-Pc8ko[/youtube][/indent] [b]Other:[/b] [indent]Ever met a Quarian who's deathly afraid of Geth? Well, now you have.[/indent] [/hider]