[b]Name:[/b] June [b]Appearance:[/b] June doesn't make a big deal about her appearance and tends to dress casually. She has dark hair and eyes, and will always wear a hat if possible. She's a little heavier-set than she'd like to be, but has a lot of energy in spite of it. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height:[/b] 5' 4" [b]Personality:[/b] June is the kind of person who just takes to people - a caretaker and a class clown all in one. She is a mediator at her core and doesn't care for fighting, opting instead to make sure a situation can be resolved peaceably. There are very few things that make her angry. She comes down on the side of Arceus. [b]*Back Story:[/b] While Pokemon was always kind of an escape for June, she never thought that she would [i]actually[/i] be escaping into the world of Pokemon. To have a chance like this is a dream come true; she's not out to be the best there ever was, but to change things for the better. [b]Pokemon:[/b] [b]Name/Species Name:[/b] Latias [b]Shiny:[/b] N [b]Type:[/b] Dragon/Psychic [b]Held Item:[/b] Soul Dew [b]Capture or Friend:[/b] Friend [b]Other:[/b] Latias sees a kindred spirit in June - someone who is playful, but who cares a lot about others. They share a love of water and the clear air.