[center][h1][color=fff200]Morning of First Adventure[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Melody woke up and looked around her cabin. Everything was in order, last nights thunder storm hadn't seriously dislocated anything in he room. She walked over to the control panel (in her room) and looked to see what the ships power level was at. [color=f26522]"98%? I thought that storm would have completely filled our power cells."[/color] She let out a sigh and proceeded to get dressed. I didn't matter if the cell wasn't fully charged, as long as it got them to the destination she didn't care. Once she was dressed, she donned her old captain's white coat which she wore as a cloak. She strapped on her sword and gun and walked out of the cabin onto the deck. It was quiet, most of the crew was asleep, she hoped that the lookout in the crow's nest wasn't asleep either. As much as Melody trusted her crew, she knew that certain people would fall asleep on the job when assigned to be the look out. Melody didn't want to know if the look out was asleep, they were safe, and she didn't feel any explosions... so far, therefore all was well. Seeing that everything on deck was still fine, Melody proceeded to the helm of the ship and took control of the wheel. She always felt comfortable when steering the ship, despite that the wheel was only the turning agent on the miraculous craft. Next to the wheel were 3 levers on each side of the wheel. Each lever controlled 1 of the 6 rotors on the corresponding side of the ship. There were also 2 more switches on the floor that the helmsman stepped on to make the ship go forward or backward. Melody set the ship into forward motion and looked at the displayed map next to her. As long as they held an eastward direction, they would eventually make it to Falis Island. The wind began to whip through her hair as the Stormsong soared through the clouds. Melody always felt free and relaxed when she was gliding through the clouds, and because she felt relaxed, she began to sing. She started singing a sweet energizing melody that wafted through the ship. She knew that her song would wake up her crew, she also knew that it would give them a little extra spring in their step as they worked. It was a win-win situation for her; she got to sing, and her crew would keep the ship in top shape. All was well, for now.