Brooke wanted to explain, but there simply wasn't any time. With the shoots from outside growing ever nearer - and intense - who knew when those things would find them. There was no way Brooke was going to let Olivia undergo the same fate as the woman she saw on her way here. It was horrible. The melting of the flesh was terrible to witness, but to be slurped up like a drink? that tore at Brooke the most. No, they had to get out of here and get out quickly. "Remember, just focus on me. We can't stop for anything except supplies if it's safe. Do you understand me, Liv?" Brooke said. She looked pointedly at her sister. She knew Olivia didn't want to listen to her and wanted to argue, but now wasn't the time. When they were safe, she'd take anything her younger sister could dish out. Brooke gestured to the gun. "Point and pull the trigger. It'll have a quick but not too much. Only shoot if you have to, alright? Lets go." Leading the way out, Brooke cleared the area in front of the tent as a foul odor assaulted her sense of smell. It smelled like tar and burnt flesh merged into one. Olivia never smelt burnt flesh before, but if bet her savings that it'd smell like the odor she smelled now. A great heat from a nearby fire made the cool Winter night feel like wonderful Spring day. The brunette would've danced in glee if the weather was truly like this. However, death fed it. She couldn't be happy about that. Moving towards the right, Brooke checked to make sure her sister was behind her as she kept moving. Bodies were everywhere - or what had resembled them in the past. If the Russians knew about this side effect, they were going to pay. Biological agents were a terrible thing to use from the get go. Biological agents that transformed people into these beasts? That was unforgivable. "Stop!" Brooke halted just in time as bullets peppered the spot where stood just moments before. Spinning on her heels, she pushed Olivia towards some crates as she followed closely behind. "Weapons! Drop them! Drop those fucking weapons!" "DCD! Cease fire goddammit!" Brooke was about to peak from around her cover before she felt bullets whiz by. It was then Brooke realized what was happening. The soldiers were exterminating the civilians. Protocol Black. In times of biological terror, when destabilizing elements were present, the military were to take all measures necessary to ensure the region stabilized. Looking over at Olivia, Brooke made sure a bullet was chambered in her rifle. "Liv? I'm about to do something terrible. Don't you watch, okay? Stay hidden and watch our back. Olivia! I'm trusting you, you hear? I'm [i]trusting[/i] you!" Taking a deep breath, Brooke focused as she peeked around the side rather than the top. Getting and ankle, she aimed her rifle and slowly squeezed off a few round. The stock kicked back against her shoulder as she fired short, controlled bursts. She saw the soldier slump to his feet as the others began to shower a hailstorm of bullets her way. Cursing, she moved back behind the crate as she quickly reloaded. Set for another round, she peeked around the crates again as she quickly aimed and fired. It took three clips to take out the Marines. She felt sick to her stomach. Killing her own side was not pleasant at all. She worked with the Marines - even made some friends. She hoped they were still alive and kicking. "Come on," Brooke said as she grabbed Olivia and willed her tired legs to keep moving. Stopping briefly, Brooke looted the soldiers bodies taking more clips for both her rifle and Olivia's pistol. She took a several combat knives and stole away some MREs. She took the water as well. She whispered, "nice." The perimeter fence was in eye sight now. Brooke felt a sense of elation as the two sisters began to move again. Clear moments ago, Brooke looked in horror as the things started to come from the sides. She heard the agonizing moans, as if the people they were before were locked in an endless cycle of torture. Thinking on her feet, Brooke spotted a truck as she pulled Olivia towards it. She checked the cabin as she swore out loud. A dozen of those things were getting closer, but there was no way they'd slip past them on foot. There was simply too many. Then she heard a terrible roar pierce the sky as the ground rumbled. Brooke looked towards the sound; she almost fainted. [hider=Devourer (Boss)] [center][b][u]Devourer[/u][/b] [img] [/img] Constitution: 1100/2000 (An explanation. I wanted to implement some sort of device within the story to address the major bosses, if you will for the story. How this will work is that we both can describe how we fight and attack the boss. Depending on how I deem it - as in how 'realistically' the attack would harm the boss - I will update the constitution bar until the number of the left side = right side. When that happens, the boss dies. Anyway, feel free to attack the monster as you wish. However, please be realistic to how you attack and how the boss would react. For example, don't somehow pull a rocket launcher out of your chest and shoot it out the monster and insta-death. It would probably be an instant death, but there's no way your character could've materialized that weapon. However, this would be an example that would totally work. Your character shoots the monster in the eye as it roared from the pain. Your character was knocked off his or her feet due to narrowly avoiding the beast's random strikes. Don't be afraid to take liberties and have harm inflicted onto your character. Be sadistic if you need to! I hope this makes sense? If not, ask me :)!) [/center][/hider] "O-Olivia," Brooke said as she took out spare pistol clips and gave it to her sister. "That thing hasn't seen us yet. We need to get the truck moving. Cover me. I'm going to hotwire the truck. If you can't hold, tell me, okay?" Brooke didn't have time to reassure her sister any longer. The small monsters were coming ever closer while she wanted to be far away when that large one saw them. Sliding underneath the truck, she took out a metal panel underneath as she started to play with the wires. Her hands shook so much that the normally easy task for her turned into a mishmash of hell. [i]Calm down, girl. Get this done and get home. Get this done and get your sister out of here.[/i]