Welcome to my sexual bakery! I tend to be a fairly descriptive roleplayer and I enjoy good character development and relationships regardless of what kind of roleplay it is. While I will try to match your writing speed, I prefer 2-3 paragraphs. For this particular IC, I am primarily interested in Mature roleplay. That being said, I am not limited or opposed to purely sex-based games, just know that the more carnal ones I will ask for us to try to be as odd and/or original as possible. They get old fast. As far as specifics (which I won't list) go, I am up for anything. But please keep it FxF, including certain variables on the female gender. [hider=Shop Policy] -As long as character development is intact, any post length is okay. -Writing must be literate and eligible. -Descriptive adult content is barred to FxF. There may be any other gender combonation if there are no sex scenes or if they're all VERY brief and nondescript. -Most sexual acts I am either into or indifferent about. Exceptions from both you and I should be discussed in PM before starting a Mature RP. -Other 'adult' content such as alcohol and drug use may be present in any given RP, please express your discontentment with these subjects in PM. -If your level of activity is going to drop significantly soon, tell me in advance. -Discussion is important to me before and after the RP starts. This includes talking about how the characters would likely interact, their shared history and in general friendliness between partners. -Strawberries are the secret ingredient. -A 1x1 with me is a partnership, even if it ends up shortlived. Thus, if I'm puppeting multiple NPCs then you should to. I don't claim property or authority over the little plot devices ^.^ [/hider] [hider=Cookie Cutters] Most Settings - Slime or Shapeshifter x N/a Victorian Era or Steampunk - Heiress x Heiress or Servant Post Apocolyptic or Ancient Fantasy - Tribal Leader/Warlord x Concubine or Warrior Fantasy - Human-Monster Hybrid x Monster Hunter World War II - German x French (Could also use any Allied states or Poland but France is the easiest) Most Settings - Asylum Patient x Doctor Most Settings - Yandere x Someone Already Dating Modern or Future - Kickboxer x Fan or Nonathlete Modern or Future - Local musician x Only fan Grimdark Future - Lone Explorer x Friendly Alien Fantasy - Dungeon Delver x Succubus [/hider] Keep in mind that I am not attached to any of these pairings so if you have an idea for a different one or a variation on one then please do tell. Will add more pairings and stuff as I go along.