[hider=Olan Bol][center][IMG]http://images.wikia.com/masseffect/images/archive/6/6b/20100109155134!New_Volus_Races_Page_Image.png[/IMG][/center] [center][i]Short. Stumpy. Unassuming. This volus is not much to look at. His suit is rusting and dinged up and he smells of cheap food paste. It's all a ruse. Only a special few know that he is...[/i][/center] [color=goldenrod][center][H3]Olan Bol[/H3] [h3]The Whiz[/h3] [/center][/color] [H3]Civilian Information[/h3] [b]Species:[/b] Volus [b]Age:[/b] 60 is the official number, but this is a result of fabricated documentation. His actual age is unknown, but must be roughly twice the official number. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 2'1" [b]Weight[/b] 100 pounds with suit. [b]Class:[/b] Engineer [B]Biotic potency:[/b] N [h3]Military Background[/h3] [b]Years Spent in Active Combat:[/b] While Olan has little experience in actual combat, he has been hacking ships, corporate facilities and more for at least 40 years while working for various mercenary crews. He has mentioned idly that he participated in the Relay 314 Incident on the side of the Turians, but nobody knows whether that's true or not. [b]Armaments:[/b] Though he only packs an [url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/M-3_Predator]M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol[/url], Olan has all the tools necessary to link up with his colleagues and to hack devices from remote locations. He also has a small number of spy drones - roughly fist-sized flying mechanical devices - that provide no offensive capabilities but make great scouts and spotters. They come equipped with a variety of different sorts of scanners and are linked to Olan at all times when in the field. [b]Armor:[/b] None. Olan doesn't fight. [b]Advance Specializations:[/b] Operative [b]Skillset:[/b] When it comes to hacking, Olan is one of the best people in the field. This Volus has been hacking ships, corporate facilities and more for at least forty years. He's also flown a number of ships, though he needs to customize the piloting mechanisms for Volus hands to be effective. He's not much of a hardware guy, however, being much more skilled at manipulating data and hacking systems from remote locations than at fixing a broken commlink with an omnitool. [h3]Psychological Analysis[/h3] [b]Traits:[/b][list] [*] [b]Meticulous -[/b] "If you're going to do something, you should do it right," Olan says. He's a perfectionist at his core, executing whatever course of action he takes with precision and an almost paranoid level of care. He can spot details others can't and has contingencies for his contingencies. [*] [b]Actions, Not Words -[/b] Boasting is something Olan is not prone to do. As he sees it, only fools would ramble on about their conquests or their successes. He prefers just show how capable he is by actually doing what he's good at, and he sees no reason to prove himself to naysayers. [*] [b]Calm -[/b] Staying composed and polite even when threatened with certain death is a unique ability of Olan. Indeed, he seems difficult to anger at all, and if he does get angry he doesn't show it. There's a story that floats around: they say Olan was able to give careful instructions for a complex hacking algorithm while his suit was leaking breathable air after a Carnifex shot breached his suit and pierced his stomach. Needless to say, he doesn't mind such rumors floating around whether they're true or not. [/list] [b]Flaws:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Greedy -[/b] The allure of wealth is beyond captivating for Olan: it's practically an aphrodisiac for him in massive amounts. He will risk quite a lot for the sake of a few credits. It's his entire motivation behind becoming a vigilante after all: making money. While he's extremely good at his job, Olan just might be willing to take a few risks that could hurt the team if it means raking in some extra cash on the side. [*] [b]Deceptive -[/b] Olan has a tendency to lie. Okay, let's be honest: he's a pathological liar. If he thinks he or the team can benefit from a small lie - or a big one for that matter - then he's more than willing to tell one. He's gotten a bit of a reputation for being untrustworthy as a result. [*] [b]Cowardly -[/b] There's a reason Olan doesn't join the others in the field. Intelligent he may be; a masterful hacker, true; calm and composed and observant, all of these words describe him. However, he would rather not get caught in a firefight. Risking other people's hides is one thing, but the prospect of putting himself anywhere near gunfire is a thought he does not relish. [/list] [b]Pysch Profile:[/b] A methodical intellectual, Olan loves to see what his limits are, but more than that he has a love for credits. Every job is a new chance to pit his skills against someone else's, even if the battle he fights is one very different from his teammates' own struggles. He's not a very personable man, even for a Volus; his relationship with others is best described as formal and businesslike. He's also not prone to using more words than necessary; while he'll provide useful commentary and give directions, he tries to keep things simple and easy to remember. He doesn't always succeed. To call Olan a bad man would be wrong. To call him a good man would be a very large stretch. He is a man that believes the law is an ineffectual tool that is bound to be broken. Because the law explicitly sets boundaries and because boundaries are meant to be broken, it is only natural that the law is broken. But, Olan notes, philosophy is for wishful thinkers; science is for men of action. He couldn't care less about the philosophical ramifications of what he does and instead focuses on the consequences, whether they be good and bad. [b]Backstory:[/b] Most of this Volus' backstory is unknown to his peers. Piecing bits of his "official" background with small anecdotes he's made from time to time, however, gives a history something like this: Olan was at one point employed by [url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Elanus_Risk_Control_Services]Elanus Risk Control Services[/url], and did a lot of work in the field of software design (producing some incredibly high quality firewalls). He also spent some time aboard Elanus' mercenary vessels, and it was during one of these missions that he came into contact with a Turian that offered him vast sums of money for certain information in Elanus' database. Olan took the job, stole the data from his employer, sold it to the Turian, then promptly fled to the Terminus systems before his former employers could catch him in the act. The Volus found a lot of employment in the Terminus systems, though he also found a lot of danger as well. He quickly decided he didn't want to be the one getting shot at, so he started finding ways to skirt around having to get in the line of fire. Still, he was very good at his chosen profession - so good, in fact, that he got into trouble with the local thugs. He wound up fleeing again, this time back to the Citadel with a fake name. Upon hearing of a war to be had with some backwater species called 'humans,' he decided to join the military for a brief stint to make some easy money. The money wasn't as easy as he suspected. After the Relay 314 incident, Olan returned to the Terminus systems and started work again. However, he managed to align himself with the wrong group of mercenaries and quickly found himself in a room, the sole survivor of Nikusiil's most recent battle against the crime in Omega. He surrendered willingly and made several convincing arguments for being allowed to live: namely, that he had only just joined the group and that he could be far more useful to the Drell alive than dead. Since then, Olan has been working for Nikusiil, working as far away from the action as possible while still assisting the team. With his drones and his ability to hack things remotely, he's proven to be an asset thus far... but his loyalties are questionable. [h3]Denouement[/h3] [b]Character Motivation:[/b] Profit is the chief reason Olan is in this mess... besides being on Nikusiil's shit list should he ever try to quit the job prematurely. He's eager enough to help the team and weasel a few credits his way by planting worms in criminals' bank accounts. While some of the money from such "side jobs" goes toward outfitting the team, an almost equal share goes toward Olan's own finances. You know, for emergencies. [b]Significant Relations:[/b] If Olan has important relationships, he doesn't tell anyone about them. [B]Opinions on Others:[/b] For the most part, Olan is cool and polite when speaking with his teammates. He doesn't really dislike them, nor is he especially attached to them. [hider=Nikusiil Vos]While he respects his leader's skills, Olan worries that he is, perhaps, [i]too[/i] driven. Olan thinks his plans to eliminate crime on Omega are ludicrous, but he sees no harm in helping so long as he's not the one getting shot at. He doesn't have any particular loyalties to him, but he certainly harbors no ill will toward him either. Nikusiil could have killed him before, after all. Olan generally follows Nikusiil's orders. If he disagrees with him, however, he'll just do whatever it is he thinks ought to be done rather than argue with him. Actions speak louder than words.[/hider] [hider=Penoraya T'mivus - Raya]Olan knows fully well what Raya thinks of him. She doesn't hide her contempt for the Volus style of doing business, and she certainly doesn't trust him. He understands that, and truthfully he doesn't blame her. He just also doesn't see how her disapproval should concern him at all. All that said, Olan is incredibly glad Raya is on the team. She's a powerful Biotic with long years of experience. He sees her as a deadly weapon that needs to be pointed in the right direction, though he couldn't care less if said weapon breaks. Olan is also afraid she'll kill him if he steps out of line, but that's what contingency plans are for...[/hider] [hider=Hazan "Haze" Volintis]While Olan doesn't get very personal with most of the team, he has stated once or twice that he sees a bit of himself in Haze. Some might take that as an insult, but Olan appreciates his mindset and his focus on the mission. He worries, however, that he's getting too attached to the others. Such attachments are bad for business. Olan is happy to teach Haze a few tricks of the trade, perhaps enjoying the respect and the eagerness the Turian shows. He has, however, made it clear that he won't teach him [i]everything.[/i] If someone knew all his tricks, Olan might just be out of business. Haze is the member of the team Olan has been the most up-front about his past with. That's not saying much, however; most of his history is still a big unknown.[/hider] [hider=Daro'Shuris nar Konesh]Maybe it's because she's so young, but Olan is a bit softer spoken when dealing with Daro. He's exceedingly patient with her. However, Olan has made it very clear to the Drell that he thinks the Quarian doesn't belong on the team. He doesn't doubt her capacity to learn - indeed, she's incredibly intelligent, and she's picking up skills fast - but he thinks she's far too young and is going to end up getting herself killed, and possibly Haze or the human with her. As long as she's on the team, however, Olan is careful to make sure one of his drones is hovering near her constantly, making sure nothing sneaks up on her.[/hider] [hider=Madran Deltis]Like Olan, Madran is a mysterious figure with some legend around him, though he's built his legend in a very different way. Olan doesn't quite see him as an equal - he is, after all, much older than the Turian - but he definitely thinks he's an asset to the team and gets along with him just fine.[/hider] [hider=Ryland 'R' Dilham]Olan doesn't like Ryland, though he won't tell him as much. He's polite and cool with him as he is with just about everyone. He also hasn't explained his reasoning for not liking the man. He just doesn't. It's possible that, if the stories about Olan having participated in the Relay 314 incident are true, the Volus has some bad blood with humanity after the war. Olan also is known to hate rash decisions, and Ryland is certainly one of the rasher individuals around. Whatever the case, Olan speaks cordially with him, but keeps himself distant. It's because he keeps his distance that Ryland hasn't seen him yet.[/hider] [b]Awesome Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbKHT1ZD3ME][i]Runners Eternal[/i] from Shadowrun Returns[/url] [b]Other:[/b][/hider]