[center] [img]http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy224/Ryoku67/Captain___Soap___MacTavish___MW2_by_Schwarze1-1.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]This man is gruff in appearance. He has unshaven facial hair and a Mohawk. Several minor scars can be seen on his face, which is rough in exterior, has kind green eyes. If one was to look under his clothing, he would have a thick jagged scar going down the right side of his abdomen. He also has a tattoo of the British Union Jack on his right bicep. His armor is clean, with a few permanent scrapes here and there. He wears the same model, but repaints it to each new environment priding himself on his camouflage technique.[/i][/center] [center][H3]Ryland 'R' Dilham[/H3] [h3]The Gunslinger[/h3] [/center] [H3]Civilian Information[/h3] [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 5'11 [b]Weight[/b] 187lbs [b]Class:[/b] Soldier [B]Biotic potency:[/b] None [h3]Military Background[/h3] [b]Years Spent in Active Combat:[/b] 11 [b]Armaments:[/b] Terminator Assault Rifle, Hydra Shotgun, Stinger Pistol [b]Armor:[/b] Medium Hazard Armor [b]Advance Specializations:[/b] Commando/ Shock trooper [b]Skillset:[/b] Front line combat, CQC, Hand-to-hand combat. [b]Favored Powers:[/b] N/A [h3]Psychological Analysis[/h3] [b]Traits:[/b][list] [*]Loyal- Once someone becomes his friend, he will protect them with his life. [*]Kind- He has a heart of gold, he will protect the innocent with his life. [*]Fearless- Nothing scares him. [/list] [b]Flaws:[/b] [list] [*] Nicotine Addict- He developed this destructive habit while he was in the service. [*] Racially biased- He tends to be somewhat rude towards Turians for obvious reasons. It takes a lot for him to respect a Turian. [*] Rowdy- Likes to start fights, even if he can't finish them....which he usually can. [/list] [b]Pysch Profile:[/b] Ryland was raised in the slums of London, so he had to learn to get tough at a young age. He always fought for the innocent and the downtrodden, even if it meant he got his ass handed to him. He's a warrior, he loves to fight and he loves to kill bad people. He's a family man at heart though, one day he wants to settle down and start a family. He's kind and honest and a go-getter. His service in the military taught him to never judge a book by its cover, even if sometimes he doesn't follow that rule. He hates those who prey on the innocent and has no mercy for their kind. [b]Backstory:[/b] Ryland Oswald Dilham was born April 16th, 2132 in the slums of London. His mother died during birth and his father was a lackey for a local gang. He was a sort of a Nomad, moving throughout the city and taking shelter wherever. His education was limited at best, some schools illegally rejecting him due to his origins. His life in London was a sad one, but he never felt that way. He fought with gangs constantly, protecting those who suffered by their hand. Finally it was no longer safe to be in London, and at the age of 17 in spring of 2149 he enlisted in the Marines. Ryland's military career took him all over. There was so much to see and so much to fight. After serving a standard enlistment, Ryland tried out for the SAS in 2153, he passed with flying colors. He was put in a unit that was sent to the thick of it, largely involved with major assaults and attacks, using the mayhem to flank the enemy or destroy targets. Soon Ryland's unit is inducted into the Systems Alliance as a Special Recon Unit for exploration. It was the first time he had been to space and he loved it. After years of exploring and defending the explorers, something changed. Humans came into their first contact with aliens. And he was there when it happened. The attack was brief but violent and it launched Ryland into a three month war for the survival of humanity. He hated the Turians, every single one of them. Until, he was kept alive by one. It was the last weeks of the First Contact War and Ryland's Squad had just been ambushed. He had taken a shot to the gut and was bleeding out fast. All of a sudden, a Turian soldier was huddled over him, dressing his wounds. The soldier looked down at him and gave an understanding nod. Then he was gone. Ryland was recovered as the only survivor of his squad and was honorably discharged from the military. After the end of the war, Ryland needed a new line of work. Mercenary work. So the last three years he's been traveling the galaxy, gunning down whoever he's getting paid to gun down. Then he happened upon Omega. A place that was in such a state of disrepair that he knew he had to do something. So he joined up with a band of people who wanted to make a difference. Who would make a difference. [h3]Denouement[/h3] [b]Character Motivation:[/b] He wants to make the universe a better place. One bad guy corpse at a time. [b]Significant Relations:[/b] The Turian Soldier- "The only decent Turian I ever saw in the war."-Unkown Corporal Asid Welsh- "Rest in peace soldier, you were a damn good man." -Dead [B]Opinions on Others:[/b] Raya- "I always thought Asari were sexy and I think the same of her, but there's no way in hell I'm gonna try to get in 'er pants. She's one scary bird." Daro'Shuris nar Konesh- "A good doctor. A young Doctor. I'm not that old meself, but when she's around I look like a jaded old soldier. She's innocent and naive, traits I'm sure will disappear with time. Sad that a girl like that has to live in a universe like this." Haze- "A Turian, yes, though not as slimy as the other one. He fought in The First Contact War same as me, so at least he knows how bloody stupid it was. And I'm always inclined to favor a soldier." Madran Deltis- "This one is tricky. You never know what he's planning and I don't like that. I don't like him very much. At all. If a Turian could be slimy, this one would be the slimiest of them all. Gives me a bad taste in my mouth just thinking about him." Nik- "A right enough bloke if a bit stubborn, he got this whole justice party together. A fine leader and fighter." Olan Bol- "I haven't met the bloke, though I have spoke with him over a commlink. He seems to know his stuff and has pulled us out of a few tight spots and I appreciate those working on the computers to get us home safe." [b]Awesome Theme Song:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqH21LEmfbQ[/youtube]