Fyair’s attention was drawn to the young girl’s poor physical state and wondered just how long she had been surviving the forest--seemingly alone aside from an adversary. What kind of forest was this? Where ladies fought against each other in the dark. He found himself unintentionally staring at the lantern in his hand, feeling slightly suspicious of the object for reasons unclear to him--a quiet voice in the uncertainty telling him to keep it near. As the girl moved, so did he as he pushed himself into stand and watched her tentatively, his gaze narrowing at the sight of yet another colorful lantern. Tracing the princess’ glare over his shoulder, the knight grew more puzzled, but slowly his questions were building a hypothesis of the world he had been dropped into as well as the complexity of it. The young mistress spoke out. Fyair’s grip tightened over the handle of his violent lantern, but found it hard to imagine that the thing was a magical item, let alone held an egg. Too much information at once. For now he would trust his new magistrate had a plan of attack and obviously understood how to avoid most of the dangers in the woods having come thus far. Obediently, the mountainous man placed himself at Anise’s side, looking in all directions when she called out a name unknown to him. Not surprising. Another strange thing. He assumed the name belonged to an ally. He hoped and stood ready for anything.