[hider=Characters]Name: Abigale Cape Name: Voice Age: 17 Gender: female Appearance: [img]http://jebagaria.com/songs/tony-perry-pierce-the-veil-fanfiction-734.jpg[/img] Costume: [img]http://costummer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/halloween__hooded-hunteress-costume.jpg[/img] no bow and arrow, and a black mask. Height: 5"7 Weight: slim. What? A lady never reveals her weight. Affiliation: Hero Group: Wards Skills: Debate, logical activities. Abigale is rather flexible, good at yoga, and quite fast. Tools/weapons: A simple dagger, flint and fire starting kit, and rope. Power: Abigale has a photographic memory. She craves knowledge, and strategic thinking due to this, and is blessed with good hearing. She has a surprising ability of being able to...know people, although not all people are suseptable to this. She seems to absorb some of their personality, emotions and thoughts. Power Classification: Trigger Event: abigale simply remembers being surrounded by people, scared, alone and wanting to know what they wanted. History: abigale has been passed from foster home to foster home, as her teenage, druggie mother put her up for adoption. Abigale was mute for a majority of her life, and the foster parents thought her a bit strange. Abigale was a genusis. People just thought she was mentally incapable due to her muteness. Abigale just didn't have anything to say. And then one day she met Rose, her adoptive mother, who cherished her, and made her shine. But that wasn't enough for other people who thought her weird. One day, Abigale was walking home, and a gang of older teenages jumped her. She never knew how she escaped, but from that moment, she spoke. Theme song: um will find one later Other: has a dog, a large hairy dog. Name: Ignatius Cape Name: Shifter Age: 20 Gender: male Appearance:[img]http://.webs.com/dark%20brown%20hair%20and%20blue%20eyes.jpg[/img] Costume: [img]http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0680/1541/products/IMG_20130806_115844_1024x1024.jpg?v=1416096601[/img] Height: 6 foot three Weight: Affiliation:villain Group: Renegades Skills: Ignatius has brute strength, and a high stamina. He doesn't particularly have any other skills, although he is quite a good fighter. Tools/weapons: His hands are his weapons. Power: He is a shape shifter. Power Classification: Trigger Event: Ignatios was never loved as a child, and he believed it was due to his looks and somewhat timid nature. When his little brother was born, Iggy was pretty much invisible. Perhaps the event that triggered him was when he tried out for a sports team, and no one knew who he was, despite the fact he knew all of them. So he changed his shape, and was finally seen. History: iggy was always a Timid child, never really noticed, and he felt like his parents just got together because of him, and no other reason. But they didn't seem to care about him, and so Iggy pretty much raised himself. He grew up with angry in his heart. He ran away when he was 14, after his first shift, and wasn't surprised when no one searched for him. He made his own way, fighting for food, and shelter. Basically fighting to live. Theme song: find one soon Other: other[/hider]