Pain ripped through her body, starting and finishing on her middle back, as it slammed against the tree. Avina laid on the ground small whimpers rolling through her throat. Needless to say, it had been a while since she had been thrown into a solid tree. Being tossed around, bitten, and starched were all pains that were familiar as well as welcomed. However, the feel of her vertebras cracking was far from the pain scale she was used to. Although she knew he was speaking, it took a moment for her brain to make sense of the words. Both the pain in her body and the wolf being in control slowed down her human side to make sense of the language. Why was he lying? She knew he had to have something to do with it. He had to have helped. The concept of vampires working alone was hard for her to wrap her mind around. All she could remember was working with a pack. Nothing is ever done alone. Avina stood up slowly, stretching her back as she did. The bones were already almost healed, and her anger was growing at his denial. She turned to face him, pulled back her lips, and snarled at him as if to reject his notion. Every good feeling she might have developed for him twenty four hours ago were buried deep behind the animal instincts and pain of losing a pack member to one of his kind. Avina retreated back behind her wolf once more, allowing her innate animal to fully take over once more. The last of her broken bones melded together, and she started to walk in a circle around him as she would her prey. Her wolf thought about calling the pack. She could probably handle and eventually destroy one vampire, but one lone vampire was no match for forty-three werewolves. Something inside of her would not allow for the wolf to call for its. Some part of her, deeply hidden in pain and animalistic thoughts and actions, still found him fascinating and wanted to know him. That part of her was rationed out by her wolf; she could kill the vampire on her own, just not with the packs help. All the while, Avina continued to circle him looking for an opening to attack. There had to be a weakness in him somewhere. At some point he was going to have to put down his defenses. While she waited for her opportunity, she continued to circle him, staying on high alert.