Name: Lila Bishop Cape Name: Sparrow Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Costume: [hider=Costume][img][/img] But in black and gold& and made of kevlar.[/hider] [hider=mask]With this mask but in black [img][/img][/hider] Height: 5'1" Weight: Around 100lbs. Affiliation: Hero Group: Wards Skills: Because of her powers she has a lot of random skills that she's learned. She very skilled in several different martial arts, and is constantly adding new combinations and moves to her repertoire. She also is a very good athlete in most sports because her body just knows what to do, and how to perform each skill perfectly. She can replicate paintings she's seen done or read about. She can create rudimentary weapons, such as bombs, that she's read about. She proficient in all medical care. She can perform most any acrobatic move. She can take apart a motor and put it back together, after reading a manual. Pretty much this list could go on and on; if she's seen it, heard about it, or read about it, she can generally do it. Tools/Weapons: She uses whatever is at her disposal. She's proficient in most any weapon, after watching countless arms videos. She prefers a bow and arrows, tinker made and tipped with tranquilizer darts, and hand-to-hand combat. Power: Adomopathy. She skips the learning curve of any skill. Her ability allows her to skip past any skill's learning curve meaning that the only limit she has on talents she can learn are physical limits. Pretty much, she can perform any skill that she has seen performed or read about with perfect muscle memory. Essentially if she watches someone on youtube performing an acrobatic routine, fighting with martial arts, making a bomb, etc. she would be able to perform those same skills perfectly as if she had been training them her entire life. She cannot do anything outside her physical means, so she can't learn someone else's powers by watching them. She also remembers everything she has seen, heard, or read about for a period of time, but every six months or so her brain gets overloaded with all the details, and her memory is completely wiped. She retains all the skills her power has allowed her to learn in her muscle memory, but she has no recollection of how she learned them. She also has no recollection of the past six months that were just wiped, or any of her past at all, as far as people she's met, conversations she's had, places she's been, etc. It's common for her to be able to do a skill without knowing how she learned it, because she learned it more than six months ago through her power, but her memory has been wiped so she can't actually remember how, when, where, or why she learned it. The only memories she ever retains are memories that coincide with an extreme event and a drastic emotional state. The only memories she has yet to retain are that of her mother's death and her trigger event. She also is a Proprioceptive Inhibitor. This power allows her to affect the optic nerve of everyone around her in order to enlarge their "blind spot" enough to fit her body. She does not have to think about where everyone's blind spot is, she automatically knows and is able to manipulate everyone's "blind spots" to hide herself. This allows her to go undetected; however when she is using this power, people commonly get the feeling that they are being watched. Power Classification: Thinker 4, Stranger 3 Trigger Event: [hider=Trigger event]Lila's powers were triggered when her father, a known hothead, got angry about the sparrow tattoo she got. Before her mother had died, she had always told Lila, "Fly free, little bird." Lila got the tattoo in memory of her mother, and to remind herself to never give up and to always fight for the freedom to live her life. Lila knew her dad would be mad about the tattoo, but she never thought he'd snap the way he did and hit her. She tried to explain it to him, but his anger spiraled out of control and he began delivering a continuous string of blows to her. After a few blows to the head, Lila ended up curled up on the floor trying to protect her head and internal organs as her father continued the beating by kicking at her. Her vision was rapidly becoming blurry as she started to lose consciousness. Her eyes searched the room for any escape, but there was no escape from her father's wrath. As she desperately searched, her eyes locked onto the TV in the far corner, where an MMA prize fight was going on. She stared at the TV, watching the fight through her foggy eyes and mind. Her eyes stayed securely locked on the TV up until the point that she lost consciousness, as anything was better to watch and think about, then thinking about how she was probably going to die lying there on the floor, being beaten by her father over her expression of freedom from pain and sadness. As she lost consciousness she heard her father snarl, "You'll never 'fly free, little bird.' Maybe I just need to break a few wings to get that through your thick skull." Minutes after passing out, she was dragged back to consciousness to endure more of the brutal beating, but something was different. She didn't understand how, but something just clicked, and all of a sudden her muscles sprung into action. Even though she had never fought before in her life, she all of a sudden knew exactly how to perform the martial art moves she had just seen the fighters perform. Her muscles took over, and she was able to knock her father out using the new skills she had learned minutes ago. It wasn't until after Lila had knocked her father out that she realized that she remembered next to nothing about her life.[/hider] History:[hider=History] As a side effect of her power, she remembers nearly nothing about her past. The only memories she has is of her mother being killed in a mugging while Lila watched, and her trigger event. Some people know more about her past than she does, and tell her important things. She also has a few video recording of herself to remind her about the important things about her past, that friends show her after her memory is wiped.[/hider] Theme song: "Fly" Nicki Minaj; "Little Bird" Misty Edwards; "Fly" Maddie and Tae Other: She has a notebook/sketch pad she keeps with her that she writes and draws some of her memories in. Lila loves learning new things, so she's pretty much constantly reading, watching youtube video tutorials, and taking in any other information she can get her hands on. She kind of distances herself from people because she knows in six months she won't remember them. She has a sparrow tattoo on the back of her shoulder. ((Two number fors?))