Oh, man. I kinda want this. I kinda want this a lot [i]really bad [b]very much[/b][/i]. I'm just... I'm just going to dangle my interest here. I used to play a lot of Shadowrun-styled Pathfinder/3.5e, and this whole playing with the augmentation of reality and the access of networks through neural rapport really just... Bangs my bell. Even if I don't get a CS rolling for this on time, this has me itching to fashion a character for't. I, too, dig your writing style, by the by. It's verbose without being pedantic and there's a certain [i]reality[/i]--urbanity? Humanity?--to it. There is some top-shelf goodness to the way you provide exposition and it [i]definitely[/i] excites my creative drive. TL;DR: You write well. I like it. I like cyberpunk. I like your take on non-dominant AI. I like writing about augmented characters what use prostheses as enhancements rather than facsimiles. I'm going to go draw a lady and then write the hell out of her bio.