[The butler simply returns the look, having closed and securely locked the front doors, remaining completely motionless for the rest of the duration of the phone call, not even blinking.] ...Very well. I shall escort you to the Princess, but please do keep up... I simply haven't the time to wait for you should you fall behind. Well then, let us be off. [With that the butler breaks into a brisk walk, his tall height making it easy for him to take long strides, the bunny ears on the headband he has no choice but to wear swaying back and forth with each large step. He is aware of this and can't help blushing a little in humiliation, his facial features otherwise giving nothing away. As the butler strides through the halls of the castle he deftly weaves between the other servants still busy cleaning, closing curtains and preparing the castle to go to sleep, maids in frilly pastel toned dresses of every colour except pink using their white aprons to carry large piles of sweets as they bustle in and out of the kitchen to collect more. Before long the butler arrives outside of the throne room and, giving the jumpsuit-wearing driver one last, wordless look, conveys through the stern look in his eyes alone that he will be watching his every move and is prepared to take action against him if he should pose even the slightest threat to the Princess - all the while maintaining the composure of a proper gentleman, of course. Satisfied the visitor will behave himself, the butler uses his gloved hands to push open the set of double doors, entering the throne room and bowing deeply to the girl seated on the throne before gesturing for the visitor to follow suit.] *having been waiting for what felt like quite some time, had been sitting slumped upon the throne nearly half-asleep, huggling the bonnet-wearing bunnies who had been neatly arranged on her lap according to fluffyness (which was entirely equal, so impossibubble for her to accomplish but felt she had to at least try to achieve perfection), hearing the throne room doors beginning to open quickly composes herself, sitting up straight with her eyes wide open and attentive, eager and curious to meet the visitor* [colour=lightpink]Oooh, hewwo~![/colour] *smiles brightly, waving cheerfully, also noticing that the butler is still blushing slightly, pleased that the bunny ears are doing their job* [colour=lightpink]Welcome home~! U-um, that is, I-I mean welcome to MY home, and so~...[/colour] o///o ..... *lowers her head so her hair falls in front of her, hiding her deeply blushing face with her hands* [colour=lightpink](Kyaaa~!!! I'm messing up alreadyyyyy~...!)[/colour] >///< [center][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/922e/f/2015/110/7/b/7b2e682bf50250505612845ed368e612-d6uvdfp.gif[/img][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/922e/f/2015/110/7/b/7b2e682bf50250505612845ed368e612-d6uvdfp.gif[/img][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/922e/f/2015/110/7/b/7b2e682bf50250505612845ed368e612-d6uvdfp.gif[/img][/center][Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the park, the bunnies who had been shooed away from the moonlit cello concert are huddled together in big fluffy clumps, their tiny pink noses twitching in morse code to communicate their outrage at having been treated so rudely in their own territory because bunnies don't make a noise, or at least one with a proper name, and logic is boring. Finishing explaining their plan for revenge, the bunnies swarm together to form a giant mecha bunny, holding each other's paws to remain as a single unit, proving once and for all that teamwork is a moderately useful asset. Lifting one giant fluffy leg, the giant mecha bunny takes its first baby step towards the oddly oblivious waiter.]