[hider=Heinz Herrmann (Magnus)] Name: Heinz Herrmann Cape Name: Magnus Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130420174753/arrow/images/e/e9/Oliver_Queen_front-on_promo.png[/img] Costume: [img]http://i58.tinypic.com/2copvyo.jpg[/img] Height: 5'11 Weight: 195 lbs Affiliation: Villain Group: None Skills: Good at planning ahead, excellent hand-eye coordination. Also has a fairly good memory. Tools/weapons: Possesses balls of metal from the knife that was used to kill his parents. Also has a metal suit to allow flight by controlling the suit. Power: Can manipulate magnetic fields; specifically to control and move metal. Can also use this to change the shape of metal, such as making a disk out of a gun. Can also be applied to stop projectiles such as bullets. Power Classification: Trigger Event: When Heinz was a teenager, his parents were stabbed by a cloaked man. Before the man stabbed him, the knife reversed in the man's hands and stabbed him instead. After this incident, Heinz discovered that he could control metal. History: Heinz spent the next years of his life expanding and discovering the bounds of his powers while living as a orphan on the streets. When he was 17, he was almost hit by a car while crossing the road. He stopped the car with his powers, however the car was crumpled in the process. 3 years later l, a mugger shot at him. He stopped the bullets right before they hit him and sent them back at the shooter. Other: Heinz is ruthless in the sense that he cares nothing about what happens to the people who get in his way. He has poor social skills and prefers to keep to himself. Oh...and dude, I think you accidentally put two rule number fours. [/hider]