[color=crimson]"One More time, Vali!"[/color] A Man could be seen standing at 6'2 with brown hair and brown eyes. There was this strange aura emanating from this Seventeen Year Old. All of a sudden, a Crimson Gauntlet appeared on his hand and the gauntlet appeared to shout some sort of command. [b][color=red]"Welsh Dragon Overbooster!"[/color][/b] The young man was engulfed in a fiery vortex. Out of this vortex came out Issei wearing some kind of Dragon Scale Armor. This is when "it" happened. A small portal appeared under him and sucked him inside it. Issei looked around his surroundings. He wasn't in the underworld anymore, nor in Japan for that matter. It also appeared that were he was defied the laws of Space-Time according to Ddraig, the Heavenly Dragon residing in his left arm. He suddenly took notice of someone under him (Lex Luthor) and began to make his way towards him. As he landed in front of them, Issei looked at him. He deactivated the Balance Breaker and walked towards him. [color=crimson]"Um, Could you mind telling Us where we are, My Name is Issei by the way."[/color] [@Zerofighter]