ISABEL Despite getting on the ground and surrendering herself willingly, The Tactical Unit came to do what they were order to do, and started to load the horrific mutant girl up with lead, only they were unaware of the magnitude of her power set, and were surprised when she re-arranged the velocity of the bullets and slowed them down to the point of tiny baseball bats before they impacted her and began to bruise her left and right, taking away both her concentration and the attention of the other booze and drugged up party goers. "God damn," the leader said, "men, we've been made. You know what to do," looking around at their surroundings, the soldiers all loaded up and yelled in unison, "HUMANITY ABOVE ALL ELSE!" and began to open fire upon the crowd, some brain matter here, and heart flesh there, but gore was now everywhere as people were slain where they danced... CHRIS- A FEW MINUTES PRIOR TO THE SHOOTINGS INSIDE "Here's what we want you to do kiddo," the voice on the other end spoke mockingly of him, "all we want you do is lock the outside doors of the hospital so that nobody goes in or comes out, if you do that then your precious little co-worker will... live," he said in a serious yet mocking tone, "and for a bonus round, make sure there aren't any witnesses around that Lamborghini parked out front, we got a guy coming to do some stuff to it. Make sure that goes smoothly, and we'll all stop checking out what's under the hood, if you catch my Tokyo Drift," in the background Christopher could make out the monsters laughter as they were doing whatever it was monsters did to young women these days. ERIS When Eris revealed to Nathan that the "officials" had busted the party, the men in the men in the white van assigned to tail her finally realized what her specific power was, and the men looked at each other like idiots for an extra second before the driver picked up his radio equipment and alerted the unit in the hospital, "Assault Team One! Assault Team One! You've been made! I repeat, you have been made. White haired female mutant, ability to detect radio transmissions, early twenties! Eliminate the witness!" The stealth transport helicopter in the sky signaled to the worried driver that they had the situation under control, and front the sides a missile cannon equipped with several smart missiles- projectiles programmed with their target, thus eliminating unwanted casualties and were only a foot or so long began to locate Eris in the crowded ground floor of the rave spot. NATHAN If the speedster were smart, which he wasn't, then he would have stayed by Eris instead of look out for Number 1 and escape the situation, for during the time of their conversation, Christopher had hastily locked up all entrances to the hospital, thus leaving even the fastest young man alive as a sitting duck, and young Eris defenseless. MIKA AND WALT Time slowed down like the way it does in the kinds of video games were the player is presented with a fork in the narrative, in this case there was the story of the good guy, and that of the bad guy. In Walter's case, the good guy scenario was to go help the people in danger, and save Isabel. The way of the bad guy was right beside him, pulling on his arm so that she could save her own neck, and Walt could easily just slip away with her, make out with her down the road and maybe some hanky panky would be rewarded unto him. But letting innocent people be harmed, even if the alternate was getting laid, that wasn't Walt. Despite what rich girl's say on their Twitter account for the multitude of followers how he treated them, Walter was not a bad guy. So the choice was rather a simple one for him to make as Time resumed. Taking his alcohol and chugging it for some liquid courage, he confronted Mika about the situation, "do you really want to take some guy's wallet back to Daddy, a wallet which likely won't have nearly enough lunch money to pay off the sharks that are after him this time? Are you going to let these people die and run away when you have the power to save them? Well I have that same power, and you kknow what? I'm not running. Not anymore!" He yelled aloud and turned and go after the source of the gunfire. JOSEPH, NICHOLAS, AND OTHER MUTANTS ACROSS THE NATION Across the great nation of America, across the waters in other countries, in international skies, mutant children and young adults were plucked from their lives, plucked from civilization and placed upon commercial airlines, stripped of everything and given not even basic human rights, they were treated like the worst of America's Most Wanted. There were no Mutant Rightsduring this time, no organized Movements or leaders who could last a week or more to provide their people with some kind of hope, some kind of anything. No, all these Mutants had to look forwards to, was The Doghouse...