Hiya! [@Shotgun Bear] Aw, thanks. You know how to make a girl feel special. :3 You have time, feel free to write up a character. I'll love to read it! [@Zombiedude101] I have some things I'm mulling over about this character. I've only had time for a brief look over what you've sent me, so look forward to some more thoughts in a bit. :3 @Everyone else Now, I'm not trying to be a spoilsport or Miss Bossy-Boots, but at this point I have seen, here, in PMs, and in other conversations, [i]four[/i] character ideas who are members of, on the run from, or are associated with, Russian cartels. I'm not really sure why this is, but I will say I'll be very likely accepting only [i]one[/i] character from that kind of background. There are plenty of other places characters in a cyberpunk can come from. :3 Carry on!