[b]Konohagakure Ninja’s POV [/b] The Konohagakure ninja held his ground as he calmly analysed the situation. His vision had been obscured by dust prior to the disappearance of his target, which alone didn't suggest anything concrete. He himself could cloak himself in a similar technique by utilizing [i]Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning[/i] technique. Most important was not the fact that he saw nothing but that he heard nothing immediately after the explosion of earth and debris. His opponents had not made their escape above ground. Which meant that his opponents had most likely escaped underground. The use of what was most likely [i]Earth Release: Antlion Technique[/i] just prior to the rescue only confirmed his theory. He was dealing with an Earth Release ninja. Which meant that their next attack would most likely come from below. At once he became wary of the ground directly beneath his feet, lest he be caught unaware by a second subsidence style earth technique. He held his tanto close in a defensive stance as his eyes scanned the area around him, his ears straining for even the slightest of sounds. And for that reason and that reason only he heard the earth start to crack beneath his feet. Without waiting he leapt forward into the air in a spinning motion. Without hesitation he expelled a large volume of explosive ash from his mouth and into the air where he had been stood. Using the flint hidden in his mouth he ignited the ash, causing a violent, localized explosion. But he was not finished yet. As soon as his feet hit the ground he immediately formed the hand seals required to use [i]Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere[/i], creating a blast of air straight into the black, soot ridden cloud. [center]==================================[/center] [b]Tsubaki’s POV[/b] Tsubaki didn't have time to find out if the man she rescued was OK. He was breathing still and that was good enough for the moment. No sooner had she propped the man up against the wall she had burrowed back into the earth using [i]Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage[/i] to move at relatively high speeds back to where she had been moments before, the earth becoming fluid like water at her passing. By now she guessed that the Konohagakure attacker would be more than aware of her presence. Not her precise location of course as being underground provided her protection from even the most observant individual. However it still meant that he would be on edge and therefore that much more difficult to ambush after she emerged. And without knowing his capabilities a failed ambush might well result in her own death. However if she did nothing more would likely die as a result. It was time for Tsubaki to take advantage of her well-honed adaptability. [center]==================================[/center] [b]Konohagakure Ninja’s POV [/b] As the remnants of the explosion slowly dissipated following his wind attack the Konohagakure ninja stood ready, not allowing his confidence to dictate his actions. There was no doubt in his mind that he had hit something, no, someone with his explosion attack. And even had they survived that they would have been in no position to evade his second attack. But even so he kept his tanto raised aggressively in one hand, his other hovering just above his shuriken pouch. His caution was well founded, the ninja grimacing to himself as a figure emerged from the smoke and ash, shards of blackened, charred earth crumbling from their form like a snake shedding its skin. He ground his teeth in annoyance but held his ground as his opponent drew her sword from behind her waist and levelled it in his direction. He knew her face. [center]==================================[/center] [b]Tsubaki’s POV[/b] Tsubaki had been right to prepare herself as she did, using [i]Earth Release Armour[/i] before she attempted to attack him from below. It had still hurt of course, two separate and distinct explosive impacts hitting her one after the other. The first had been some kind of explosion, a bomb maybe or a fire jutsu, the second some of kind of mono directional impact from the front. The fact that the combined assault destroyed her armour spoke of her attackers skill. The fact that she was not dead or injured told her that neither of those attacks had been Lightning Release. Which was good, since she was rather fond of being alive. As the last of her defence crumbled away she drew her sword and levelled it toward her opponent. Tsubaki smiled in a deceptively kind fashion.