In her homely, lonely apartment, Zarqa Nadir was sipping tea. She wore a long black dress, covering her crossed legs, and her long arms, draping over her hands, even the one gripping the mug of tea. Her hijab was discarded on the table beside her, folded loosely in a neat pile. Her eyes shut, a frown rested on her face; the hair which framed it was curly and unkempt, in a massive mess around her head. Having spent the last few hours surveilling the city, she saw as unfamiliar heroes took down villains, using methods with which she was unfamiliar. None seemed too used to the Cleveland area, though- none were appropriate as a teammate. Opening her eyes, she stood, and walked over to her kitchen. [i]#Pokerface #GavinHardesty[/i] Nearly dropping her mug, she bit her lip, shaking her head. Of course there was corruption in the law offices, why not? With a scoff, she washed the mug, scanning social media sites for any news. Coming up with nothing new, and nothing relevant, she turned her attention back to the security cameras around the city. On a hunch, she looked around at the major banks, as those were often targets during outbreaks like this. Spending a few seconds on each one, she rotated between each branch quickly, trying to determine if any threats were present. Returning to her bedroom, she adorned a light blue dress. From her dresser, she withdrew a matching hijab, white with blue flowers embroidered over the fabric. Wrapping it over her head, she averted her eyes away from the reflection in the mirror, hustling over to her door. Any more time spent in her apartment, cooped up in her own head, would drive her mad.