[center][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-vwB1wvzzKII/UHH1Az7LenI/AAAAAAAABdE/bTZGQ7Sb9zc/s1221/Logo%2520Batgirl.png[/img] [/center] [center][B]December 31st, 2013. Gotham, New Jersey.[/b] [/center] As Harleen Quinzel walked up the Kane family estate's driveway side-by-side with Bruce Wayne and Richard Grayson, she couldn't help but think how much of a difference a year could make. Twelve months ago to the day, Harley had been frustrated with the lack of progression in her training, and angry with Bruce for his unwillingness to allow her an active role in his crusade against crime. Now, though, Harley had what she wanted; Bruce had finally inducted her, along with Richard, as a soldier in his war. As Batgirl she was Batman's partner, and as such she was no longer relegated to stay in the cave and watch from the sidelines as Bruce donned the cape and cowl on his own. Now she played an active role in saving this city; in curing Gotham of the rampant disease plaguing it. So, even though she would rather be in costume forcing Valestra or Falcone thugs to spill information regarding their bosses, she would play the part of the good little girl and accompany Bruce and Richard to this New Year's Eve party. If Harley were to be completely honest with herself, she'd recognize she needed the time off for relaxation anyways. She hadn't spent much time away from her role as Batgirl in the past year, and the strain her absence has caused is beginning to show in her social life. Harley's friends, although they didn't understand the reasons, realized that she had been pulling away from them, and they were constantly trying to get her to join them in activities outside of school as a result. That was part of the reason Harleen hadn't fought Bruce when he had informed his wards as to his decision to give them a night off with his extended family. She hoped that spending time with one of her friends, Bette Kane, at this party would appease the rest of her friends, convincing them that she was fine and there was nothing to worry about. The door to the Kane home opened and a woman of about forty greeted them. She had on a blue party dress, and had her golden hair done up in an extravagant manner. Harley recognized her from photos as Bette's mother, Bethany. Harleen had never met Bethany Kane, despite having been at the Kane residence several times before in middle school at the invitation of Bette, but Harley had heard much about Bethany from her daughter. Bette had often said her mother was as fake as they came; full of vanity with little genuine compassion for anyone, and Harley could tell this was the truth as soon as the socialite opened her mouth. "These must be those children you are supporting in that program of yours," she was saying. Harley didn't know whether she wanted to laugh, or punch Bethany more at that moment, but she managed to not do either as Bruce introduced them. "Yes. This is Harleen." Bruce waved his left hand towards her and she offered a polite, innocent smile, but if Bethany were to have looked in Harley's eyes at that moment she would have recognized the hostility behind them. Bethany Kane didn't see this however, barely looking over the young girl before offering to take her and Richard to see Bette. Harleen followed behind closely, even though she already knew the way to Bette's room, staring daggers at Bethany's back the whole way. When they came to the closed door, Bethany knocked lightly. "Mary Elizabeth, sweetie, your friends are here." The door opened before Bethany could even finish her sentence. Bette grinned when she saw Harley and Richard. "Thank God, I was dying of boredom." Mary Elizabeth Kane - Bette to her friends - was a very pretty girl; a near duplicate of her mother with the same blonde hair, blue eyes, and model-like figure. She was even wearing an identical, red version of Bethany's dress, though Bette's was more modest. Unlike her mother, however, Bette didn't find the life of the Gotham elite to be enjoyable. Although she would dress up when her mother had a social gathering, Bette would rarely make an appearance, instead opting to stay in her room where she could be free from the boring interactions with her parents and their guests, and tonight was no different. "Thank you, mother." Bette said. "You can go now." If the elder Kane woman was at all bothered by her daughter's dismissal she didn't show it. "Have fun, sweetie." Bethany glanced at Richard, her phony smile still in place. "Make sure to leave the door open, and I'll come to get you before midnight so you can all join us for the countdown. Richard, Harleen, it was a pleasure to meet you both." As soon as Bethany was out of view, Bette pulled Harley and Richard into her bedroom, shutting the door behind them. "Hey, Harlz." She hugged Harley and smiled at Richard. "I was starting to worry you two weren't going to show up." "Sorry, we got held up because Dick couldn't decide on what to wear." Harleen said, using Richard's nickname, and tousling his hair playfully. It was a joke between all of the girls in Harley's group of friends; Richard liked to think of himself as a bit of a ladies' man, which resulted in constant teasing from the girls at his expense. Bette grinned again, knowing that Richard wouldn't get too upset by the teasing. "Well, at least he didn't wear a dress like mine. That would have been awkward." She winked at Richard.