Here's character, [@Lvl Down]: Name: Charlotte "Char" Eavesburg Age: 13 Gender: Female Height: 1,46m (4'8") Pic: [center][img][/img][/center] Abilities: Char learned to count coins before she could even walk, so she knows her way around money much better than an average person. She also had access to the best education that her father's money could buy, so she's quite learned, specially about politics, economics and trading. She also has a knack for employing roguish tactics, deceiving people with her looks and confusing them with her footwork, before finding the best place to strike. Personality: Char is a happy go lucky girl with a love for adventure and a nearly endless curiosity about the world, one could say that seeing what lies beyond the next cloud is her purpose in life. Generally she's friendly, but she also has a haughty side that bubbles up whenever someone rubs her the wrong way. She hates low quality goods, be it foodstuff, underwear, or whatever and will spend extra money to make sure that the things she gets suit her tastes. Bio: Char is the oldest between the two daughters of an important exotic goods trader that owns a considerable sized fleet. Despite loving to hear stories about the world from her tutors, Char never left her family's homeland until one day when she managed to steal a bag of gems and a magic dagger from her mansion's storage and stowed away one one of their spice shipments along with her pet dragon, Pico. after the ship where she was in was sacked by Melody's crew, Char's persistence as well as her high than average knowledge earned her a place in the Stormsong. Other: Char has a magic dagger that has a chance of paralyzing anyone she hits. Her pet dragon can spew a stream of bubbles that burst upon hitting a surface, causing moderate damage and possibly confusing her foes, use magic to heal Char's wounds every once in a while and do a series of minor tricks like any house animal would do.